The regional government of Andalusia (PP and Citizens) has abolished the aid to promote equality and combat gender violence and the social exclusion of women, aimed to 241 NGOS and associations. Projects to fight against gender-based violence towards women with disabilities or to stop trafficking of immigrants will not be supported by the andalusian Government this year.

The cessation of the interventions has been caused by a shift of emphasis from the auditor General (the body that monitors the spending of the regional government), which last December decided that each project should receive 100% of the money requested to the Andalusian Institute for Women (IAM). In this way, the big plans have hit the four million in liza and dozens of NGOS have been displaced to the allocation of public funds, has advanced to the Public. With its decision, the Board harms the most vulnerable women: those who suffer social exclusion, prisoners, migrants and victims of sexual exploitation, among others.

“It’s too much of a coincidence that the Board of infirmity to a technical problem just what I asked Vox to do. We have stopped at zero”, protest Rocío Pérez, president of the Andalusian Federation of Women with Disability, who attends each year 1,600 women to empower them and to prevent male violence in the eight andalusian provinces. This federation received € 32,000 each year and this year no funds will be for your team of 10 people hired and volunteers.


Vox asks to change the Andalusian Institute of the Woman for the one domestic violence counselor andalusian Equality now admits that the wage gap “exists”

The party of the ultra-right Vox, whose support sustains the current Board of andalusia, was asked last July to “reduce and control” the IAM, one of the first equality bodies in Spain, created in 1989. The ministry of Equality (Citizens) unlinks the case of the pressures of Vox and blamed what happened to the comptroller General, a body consisting of officials which it directs the comptroller general, a position of trust.

Doctors of the World has been carried out since 1993, a program in Seville, Malaga and Almeria with women in areas where they work in prostitution to prevent gender violence and trafficking, in addition to facilitate the health coverage for foreign nationals, a shares subsidized by the Board the last two decades. “We were in the flesh. This is a ruin. The project is already executed and the money advanced. To make matters worse, the ministry of Health (PP) had grants for the purposes of prostitution and HIV who has not taken out and the Seville city Council (PSOE) has blocked his anti-prostitution,” says Valentín Márquez, coordinator of projects of social inclusion in this NGO.

The comptroller delegated to the ministry of Equality has changed this year and your new criterion is different from that of the last exercise, when the grants have been doled out on a pro-rata basis to stretch the funds and get to the greater part of the andalusian territory (87.268 square kilometers). Now the auditor General considers that the NGOS with the best score according to the scale to be official, they should receive 100% of the money requested, so that the four million have been distributed among the major projects. If last October the Board approved aid for 317 of provisional way, to the end of the year decreed that it would only be subsidised 76, so that 241 have been left out.

the director of The IAM, Laura Fernández, claims that his department presented arguments to the General Intervention. “I understand the anger of the NGOS, but I have no other choice but to comply with the law. The IAM has fought, but the General Intervention not of the view, imposes. Now we will work with the associations to study each situation”. The Intervention believes that the foundation of the Order of June 28, 2016 that regulates these subsidies do not support the reduction of budgets carried out “systematically” by the Board and is in violation of the General Subsidies Act of 2003. This statement admits that “exceptionally, the competent body shall proceed to the apportionment among the beneficiaries”, while the Board it always did, year after year, a practice that has now censored the Intervention.

Sources of the ministry of Equality, added: “Our intention is to paliarlo, we value legal alternatives. For next year we will change the basis of the Order because we want to keep the criteria more equitable, it is always best to reach the maximum associative fabric. The intention is that this will not again happen.” After you have removed all the programs to promote gender equality in the province of Cordoba and Almeria and Huelva lack of projects to combat gender violence, the associations affected expected to manifest itself in front of the headquarters of the regional ministry of Equality, the next January 16.

The opposition has censured the measure. “The Government has perpetrated a new attack to the fight against male violence, we don’t want to think that this is a concession the more to the right wing that keeps the Board”, has denounced the socialist spokeswoman, Joseph Attorney, who has asked to appear for a parliamentary of the minister of Equality, Rocío Ruiz. This request has been added Forward of Andalusia, whose spokesperson, Angela Aguilera, has commented: “it seems to Us an absolute contradiction that the social alarm go on the one hand and this Government on the other”.