FOCUS Online brings The Corona-crisis Online trading more and more to the front. Therefore, an existing Trend is reinforced, the Internet is becoming the preferred marketplace. You will see an impact on the German inner cities? The Interviewees ‘

Alain Thierstein, PhD, is a Professor for spatial development at the faculty of architecture of the Technical University of Munich (TUM). He conducts research in the field of urban and Metropolitan development. Thierstein also works with EBP Schweiz AG, of Zurich, of which he is a Partner and Senior Consultant in the field of urban and regional economic development.

Alain Thierstein: has seen the effects, especially during lock downs, as you have stayed at home and the streets eerily empty. Because the people have discovered the city centre is quite new. Individually or in small groups, they strolled through the streets. Here you could already guess, the city will mean in the future, just Shopping.

With the store re-openings and measures regulations, some old normality then came back. Through the Physical Distancing of inter-people interact less, there are less unplanned interaction between Strangers and also the friends groups will meet less frequently in the public space. As a result, the city, what you mind actually loses the atmosphere.

FOCUS Online : How are the effects on shopping? Many shops were forced to close in the Corona-crisis.

Alain Thierstein: Often the stores that offer luxury items. In Munich, a Design has to close the furniture business at the Lenbachplatz. The people buy any luxury items, because they anticipate unconsciously, that the economic crisis is yet to come. The Suffering always comes after that, and currently it is not there yet.

It had to do business, who lived already before the crisis, at the limit of profitability, such as Kaufhof, Karstadt. The Problem of the necklace is that it has a sluggish deal to a lot of presence area. So it will be for some chains.

city is not only shopping zone, with car Parking

FOCUS Online that is, there is in many city centres soon, more and more empty spaces?

Alain Thierstein: in the Short term as a result of the pandemic sure is a lot of vacancy. In the future, you will be converted, but many of these often large shops. As it begins, for example, in the former building of the Hypovereinsbank, the Munich Central station to be approached.

FOCUS Online : What is a project?

Alain Thierstein: In the building is now home to the Munich city magazine Veggiefest. In addition, there are Pop-Up Stores, co-working spaces and cultural offerings. It is a modular, for the interim use of proposed system of the project that brings many things together that make up the diversity of a city.

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The city has developed since the 1970s. From a complex, diverse Structure in a shopping area with car Parking. But a city is more diverse than that. It is a social and spatial phenomenon. The opportunities inherent in this, one begins to realize now. As at Munich Central station.

FOCUS Online : the increasingly empty spaces Are more of a Problem of small or big cities?

Alain Thierstein: It is the Problem of Large – and small-town. But there are in large cities, more mass and diversity of people linger longer. Pedestrian zones in small towns have less to offer, and to charge less to go for a stroll.

The small towns, I mean for municipalities under 50,000 inhabitants, but actually, the ability to respond much more quickly to structural change. You do not know that it goes on like this, as in the past. You could together raise reasons, with the city planning and the Department of arts and culture, a small task force that developed a Plan, the downtown new. A good measure to close the bypass roads would be. Because slower auto traffic is, by rate of movement. In crowds and with new split road space that would be a win for small cities.

domination of the vehicle is a harmful

FOCUS Online How you can make use of the empty space in inner cities? to transform

Alain thierstein: To the center, must also be the road space revised. It is important that various traffic participants are on an equal footing, and the common share space. This can, for example, to look at in the morning for delivery at 7 a.m. vehicles that occupy space. Later, Cafés set their chairs out. The Transformation of the street space but it also means to reduce speed. Only up to 30 km/h people really take consideration to each other. The dominance of the vehicle is for a town not helpful, but harmful.

FOCUS Online : As the city of the future looks like?

Alain Thierstein: will be empty inner cities never. The terms big online retailers like Amazon and Zalando. The man is a haptic creature, he wants to touch things. And the cannot online replace the dealer also through technology such as holography or 3-D Animation completely.

Therefore, Amazon has opened in New York Soho is a business in a Prime street location, in the top products will be exhibited. Zalando does the Same in Berlin. There will always be shops in the city centre.

But also not consumer-oriented, you will find facilities in the future in the inner cities. This includes facilities and medical spaces include, for example, to social, such as doctor’s offices. The city centre is available not only for shopping, but also a part of the living space. But this takes a little time. Unknown spraying ICE: The rail sings the praises of “spray-villains” FOCUS Online/Wochit Unknown spraying ICE: The rail sings the praises of “spray-villains” mass brawl on the beach: the vacationers go with umbrellas on each other los FOCUS Online/Wochit mass brawl on the beach: the vacationers go with umbrellas on each other