The King has reaffirmed this Monday the commitment of the Armed Forces and the Civil Guard of Spain and the Constitution in an Easter Military sandwiched in an endowment unfinished. In a worsening political climate for the political polarization, Felipe VI, has thanked the work of the armies and the Civil Guard, of which he said that “his loyalty and commitment to the rule of law have been and are a fundamental pillar of development” of the country. The minister of Defence in functions, Margarita Robles, has opted for a Spain that is “open and inclusive”, which requires the collaboration of all because it is “all without exception”.

In the presence of the acting president, Pedro Sanchez, and the ministers of Defence and Interior, Margarita Robles and Fernando Grande-Marlaska, Felipe VI, in the uniform of a captain general of the Army of the Air, he has directed about 150 military, gathered in the Throne Room of the Royal Palace, to express his “most sincere pride and appreciation for the flawless performance of its task. “You know better than anyone else”, he said, “to ensure the freedom and security of the spaniards is a fundamental mission for the development and well-being of our country.”

The Queen, between the minister of Defense, Margarita Robles; the president of the Government on functions, Pedro Sánchez, and the minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska. Chema Clares GTRES

instead, waiting for Congress to vote this Tuesday the inauguration of the socialist candidate, the head of State has shown himself scrupulously cautious about future plans, emphasizing that the capabilities available to the Armed Forces hereinafter shall be commensurate “with the level of ambition that defines the [future] Government and with the corresponding budgetary support”.

Accompanied by the queen Letizia, who sported a long dress blue, and after honoring 21 military personnel from all the jobs, Felipe VI, has congratulated the Armed Forces and the Civil Guard for their work inside and outside of the Spanish borders, by praising his “professionalism, a sense of duty and honor”, and credited with his “loyalty and constant and generous dedication to the service of the Spanish people”.

“The Armed Forces and the Guardia Civil”, he stressed, “you are today a reflection of a modern society, able and caring that knows to recognize and thank you always for your commitment to the general interest of our nation.” At the end of the speech, he has urged them to cheer for Spain all together, “in the spirit of service and commitment to our homeland and supported in the constitutional values”.

For his part, the minister of Defense in the functions, Margarita Robles, has wanted to come out to the passage of the ownership of the Constitution and patriotism on the part of the parties of the right, claiming “a Spain, our Spain, open and large in its diversity. A Spain that is inclusive requires the effort and the constructive cooperation of all because of all without exceptions it is.”

Robles, has defined the Defense policy as a policy of State, “away from partisan bickering”, which seeks “consensus and the sum as the most effective tools” to achieve a Military that is “adapted to the new times and prepared for the fulfilment of the missions assigned in the defense of our constitutional values, which are the heritage of all and how proud we feel.”

Both the King and the minister have referred to the nearly 3,000 Spanish military deployed abroad, particularly in Iraq, where troops are on maximum alert following the escalation of tension between Washington and Tehran. Felipe VI has remembered the trip that he did last January 30 to a country that has decades of mired in the “instability and armed clashes”, while Oaks said that the security of the Spanish soldiers in Iraq is their main effort “in these difficult days”.

In the midst of controversy for the transfer of the powers of traffic to Navarre, the minister has underlined that “the Guardia Civil know that the Spanish we admire, we respect and we feel deeply united to the same. All spaniards,” he repeated. It has also shown its recognition of the professional associations of the Armed Forces and has advocated strengthening the social policy in the barracks, especially in terms of conciliation and equality.

Clearing the fears that the future Government of coalition PSOE-United We can assume-an abandonment of international commitments, has ensured that “Spain is, and will remain, a strong ally, serious and committed”, in the framework of the European Union and NATO.

After the speeches, the King offered a glass to his guests (among whom was the dome of the Ministry of Defence, the chiefs of the three armed forces and the directors of the secret service CNI and the Civil Guard), which he could not attend the press. The King and Pedro Sanchez is seen with a serious face most of the time and the aggravation that occurred on Sunday in the Congress was the issue most commented upon in the corridors, according to several attendees.

The right-wing parties came out with a bang against Sanchez accusing him of not having defended the Monarch when the spokesperson of EH Bildu, Mertxe Aizpurua, labeled them as “authoritarian,” the speech of Felipe I SAW of the October 3, 2017, after the referendum illegal in Catalonia. Surprisingly, there occurred the same scandal when the spokesman of the CUP, Mireia Vehicle, who voted against the investiture of Sanchez, he used words much more coarse against the Monarchy.

at The beginning of his intervention, the minister Robles congratulated the King, while stressing that it was not a mere formality but an expression of “some sincere feelings that are born of the appreciation and respect deep”.

Sanchez, who was not involved in the event, congratulated the military through a tweet. “Thanks to the men and women of our Armed Forces. Spain is proud of your commitment, professionalism and dedication always at the service of the Spanish people”, he wrote. The same procedure appealed the leaders of the PP, Paul Married; Citizens, Inés Arrimadas; and Vox. Santiago Abascal.

In recent days, the party ultra has flirted with the idea of a hypothetical intervention of the Army to stop an alleged risk of rupture of national unity. After that the politician Hermann Tertsch invoked article 8 of the Constitution, which enjoins the Armed Forces for the defence of the territorial integrity of Spain, the spokesman of Vox in the Congress, Iván Espinosa de los Monteros, stated: “The Constitution must always be respected, and the Army is to save the Constitution, as it is natural”.