The euroorden against Carles Puigdemont, and Toni Comín will be suspended while it resolves its immunity. The former Catalan and his exconsejero, fled in Belgium since more than two years ago, have informed on Thursday in a statement that the belgian justice has decided to halt the process that had to rule on his extradition to Spain due to both enjoy parliamentary immunity. The measure, which has not yet been officially confirmed by the belgian courts, comes two weeks after the judgment of the european court which ruled that the leader of ERC, Oriol Junqueras, should enjoy immunity since his election as a euro mp. The award has benefited your time at Puigdemont and Comín, to which the European Parliament has delivered a credential provisional meps, and after the suspension of the euroorden no longer be required to report its activities or to request authorization to leave the country.

The decision of the belgian justice on the extradition of both pro-independence leaders for the crimes of sedition and malfeasance, and also exconsejero Lluís Puig, this only for embezzlement, was scheduled for February 3, but that date will now a new delay, in a process accustomed to that the dates will stretch time and time again. The case will wait for the Supreme Court to ask the suplicatorio to the Parliament to remove the immunity and meps to vote if rob Puigdemont and Comín, of that protection to which they could be judged.

If this happens, the process will resume as normal, so that the suspension of the euroorden does not imply that this has been rejected: it has been about the belgian public prosecutor that requested its suspension, which in practice can be translated only in winning time. Despite this, Puigdemont and Commonly have been held, the decision in the text that you co-signed, in which they allude to tripping above. “All the attempts of the Spanish justice, to achieve the extradition of the members of the Government-in-exile have ended either with the withdrawal of the euroorden on the part of the Spanish judge or with the dismissal”, they remember.

The Spanish justice requested the extradition of pro-independence leaders on three occasions, so far without success. The first of the euroórdenes, handed down in November of 2017 by judge Carmen Lamela, was withdrawn only a month later by the judge of the Supreme Paul Llarena before the posibiildad that the belgian justice does not accept that they could be judged for all the crimes for which they are claimed. Llarena the reactivaría in march 2018, but this new attempt also would end up shipwrecked in Belgium, where it would be dismissed for defects in form, and in Germany, where the regional court of Schleswig-Holstein only agreed to send back to Puigdemont for the crime of embezzlement. Llarena rejected the delivery for that single crime and took more than a year until October 2019, for preparing the shipment of a new order of detention, in which time is the last attempt of the Spanish justice, by getting his back, again postponed.

Still unaware of the time they will process the withdrawal of the immunity of Puigdemont and Comín. The European Parliament will hold its first full year on the 13th of January in Strasbourg, and it is expected that both participating for the first time. Organizations independence have called for a mobilization to accompany you in this premiere and at the same time require to allow the leader of ERC, Oriol Junqueras, currently in prison, to go to the floor as a politician.