The query of YouGov (published Thursday by The Guardian) to 1.059 members of the labour confirms, in addition, to Starmer as the preferred in all regions of the Uk, in all age groups and all social classes. When asked about their first choice, among a bunch of possible candidates, 31% opted for Starmer, followed by the 20% that supports Long-Bailey. But in a supposed liza between the two, and once completed the screening of other names, the first to be imposed with 61% against 39% of his rival.

What is certain is that this is not an unknown. Keir Starmer is a lawyer specializing in human rights, 57 years old, which in principle is everything to the counter to lead the surveys. Your condition of london, he subtracts points, after which the working classes of the north of England has deserted in droves in the last election in favor of the flag, nationalist, and hostile to Europe flourished with success for the tories. Spokesperson labour for the Brexit, Starmer was in charge during the recent election campaign to modulate the euroscepticism that beats in the convictions leftist Corbyn towards a pragmatism that underlined the economic meltdown —and deterioration of working conditions— which would mean an abrupt exit from the EU without a reasonable agreement with Brussels.

In his favor, besides, with the aura of one who has championed the causes of most noble and beloved of progressivism in the exercise of the legal profession, then play the head of the Crown Prosecution (Crown Prosecution Service). This work earned him the title of sir, conferred by the queen, before his arrival in the Parliament less than five years. Still has not announced a candidacy that appears imminent after he became the great hope of the labour, not only the centrists , but also of those who seek a correction of the postulates of radical Corbyn, which can hardly be converted to match in a choice of power.


the two souls of The labour struggle for control of the party’s Five keys to understanding the victory of Boris Johnson in A Kingdom that was United

The profile of Long-Bailey, however, is quite different. This English northern than 40 years blends with the body of a labour proud of its bases the working-class. He grew up in the district of Old Trafford, the home of the popular football team Manchester United, and played all sorts of jobs (at the counter of a pawn shop, at a furniture factory or as an employee of the postal service) before completing his studies in Law. Her Twitter profile defines him as a “socialist and proud”, that in the parameters of the current policy, speaks to us of a convinced follower of the current leader.

Candidate of choice of the “corbynismo without Corbyn”, which seeks to perpetuate the legacy of the leader outgoing with a new face, young and feminine, this mep elected for the first time in 2005 already before you have made public their candidature with the endorsement of the movement leftist Momentum. It was this wing which managed to mobilise almost five years ago tens of thousands of votes of the grassroots and supporters. Its position before the Brexit is as ambiguous as its main defender.

Almost at the same moment that Jeremy Corbyn accept —after conceding the worst debacle for labor of the last eight decades— that he had to give way to a new leader, emerged the first candidacy to relieve you under the signature of Emily Thornberry (59 years old). Relegated by the corbynismo during the election campaign by speaking loud and clear against Brexit, but never away from it all for their demonstrated loyalty to the party over four decades of militancy, their followers valued the flexibility ideology, they see it as a healing balm in the present times of positions bitter.

The value of an independent position beyond the slogans of turn has to Clive Lewis, the only other applicant for official leadership. Incarnation of a leftism that supports the economic programme of Corbyn, Lewis (age 48) is choked, however, the position accommodating the leader with respect to the Brexit, to the point of leaving the cabinet bodies in the shade. The concerns of this labour mp from 2015 are similar to those of many young people who love the radical nature of Corbyn, but at the same time don’t want to be descabalgados of the opportunities it offers them to be european citizens.

The mystery surrounding the role that it will play the Brexit

Despite what people say, the surveys are just the start of the pulse that will be resolved in the bosom of labour between sectors is moderate and the escorados to the left until you decide who will end up replacing Jeremy Corbyn to the front of the formation next month of march.

the preferences of the members of the party do not necessarily match those of a militancy —nor with the supporters who, after registration, may also vote in the primaries— more aligned with the tenets of Corbyn. Add to this the unknown factor of the role it will play can end up playing the factor Brexit, which will culminate, if the schedule is met, the next day 31. The impact of the exit and the start of negotiations with Brussels may play a role in this election. There is also remarkable that the europhiles double that of the eurosceptics to support Keir Starmer. In the case of Long-Bailey, the equation appears to reverse and has more supporters among those who displayed their hostility to the European Union.