it reported the “mirror”. The 33-year-old Berliner came to pass that in the fall of 2014 to Syria and married a fighter of the terrorist militia. After this came the case of battles, the loss of life, she is pulled into a woman’s house before she married a IS-trailer from Germany. After he died in battle, it was finally captured by Kurdish soldiers and in the camp, Al-Hol brought. After her escape to Turkey she was arrested, finally, and are now being deported. At Frankfurt airport, the Gefährderin classified woman should be taken now, again, your child should come into care.

the 23-year-old hamburger, much less is currently known. You had traveled years ago to Syria and got married there also an IS-fighters, with whom she had three children. A warrant not currently, the General Prosecutor’s office to investigate, however.

In the missing person’s case Rebecca: investigators new approach, FOCUS Online/Wochit plan In missing persons case, Rebecca: investigators plan new approach
