The United States would no longer abide by the agreement that would be violated by the other Contracting partners, said U.S. President Donald trump’s National security adviser, Robert O’brien on Thursday with a view to Russia. The agreement on Open skies (“Open Skies”) allowed the 34 signatory countries – including the United States and Russia, among other things, several observation flights annually in the airspace of the Contracting partner.

The flights will serve the Federal Ministry of defence according to the “arms control and confidence-building in difficult security, political times”. All flights are representatives of both the observing and the observed States take part in it.

The US government had criticised the fact that Russia is in breach of the contract, because it will allow, for example, no inspection flights over the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad. According to experts, the Overflights for the U.S. military have lost thanks to state of the art surveillance satellites, in the meantime, is also important. The U.S. state Department it was said in 2016, the Overflights under the Open Skies Treaty would provide “valuable information, especially for our allies and partners who do not have the same monitoring capabilities as the United States.”

Among Trump’s many agreements

leave The USA to leave under a President Donald Trump, numerous international agreements, including the nuclear agreement with Iran, the Paris climate agreement, and the INF-Treaty on the prohibition of land-based nuclear medium-range weapons. The latter had been concluded between the United States and the former Soviet Union and for Europe the most important Treaty on nuclear disarmament.

Leading Democrats in Congress had warned the government at the end of last year, before a withdrawal from the agreement. The “would be another gift of the Trump government to (Russian President Vladimir) Putin,” it said in a letter to foreign Minister Mike Pompeo and Minister of defense Mark Esper.

The Nato and the States of the former Warsaw Pact agreed in 1992 on the mutual military Surveillance “from Vancouver to Vladivostok”. The Treaty came into force in 2002.

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