crooks make use of the Corona-crisis for the brazen crimes. Now, alarming Figures were released.

With the three most mesh has imposter during the time of the Corona-crisis success. At a press conference in Munich, the competent authorities took stock. A crook from Munich, was particularly brazen.

Munich – The pandemic has brought the crooks to completely new fraud ideas. During the Corona-crisis, the Bavarian justice has initiated so far at least 771 investigation for fraud, 290 of whom are in Munich.

“Who exploited the Concerns of the population in the Corona-crisis , to commit crimes, is consistently followed,” says Minister of justice of Georg Eisenreich (49, CSU). Together with the Prosecutor’s office Munich I he made on Wednesday (17. June) crime figures, which have arisen since the middle of March. The realization: “The perpetrators have developed new Scams in the real and in the analog world, to Scam money,” said Eisenreich. So far, at least, 771 method because Corona had been fraud initiated.

Corona-fraud: the man from Munich-enough for 23 applications in the city a

The number refers to the whole of the free state – with also 163 identification because of the immediate aid fraud are included. Here alone is the sum of the sums paid to approximately 1.7 million euros. In one case, a Munich-based online had made 23 applications to the city. “In the case of applications with a total value of 2.2 million euros in the suspected false information, without it, however, came to the payout, there is also a”, said iron rich. He announced that All relief scammers must pay back the cheated amounts completely. The perpetrators could be “fines and imprisonment up to five years,” says Eisenreich. “It is particularly reprehensible when the Corona-crisis* is exploited in order to enrich themselves,” says chief Prosecutor Hildegard Bäumler-Hösl . 71 such acts had taken place in the whole of Munich*.

Almost harder for the pure Corona weigh-fraud actions: In 132 of 608 investigation of the crime scene Munich. Criminals are spent, for example, as an employee of the health Department. To enter the apartments of their often elderly victims, before they gave to Corona-Tests to perform. Other perpetrators has led that one of their members was ill by Corona heavy and need money for a life-saving treatment need.

Corona Munich public Prosecutor’s office informed about brazen mesh

Also has three further Frauds, the Munich Prosecutor’s office has determined. On the fake websites about masks and disinfectants were available for purchase, but the payment never delivered. Fake websites, and mass E-Mails benefited from the fraud in addition to credit card information or account information of visitors. In fraud-E-Mails, the perpetrators threatened the family members of the targeted infection.

The Minister of justice wants to prosecute the perpetrators – the Prosecutor’s office, he thanked on Wednesday. Because many of the actions were able to prevent the investigators. “It was not a Golden age for criminals,” concluded Hans kornprobst , Senior Prosecutor. No money door-to-door to pass anyone just so into it and offers on the Internet, carefully check the tips of the investigators, so that further fraud acts can be prevented.

Corona-PK in Munich: eddy, there was also the FC Bayern

Significant Changes were revealed also in the case of drug offences : The trade on the road declined, and shifted more to the Internet. In the case of Corona-related controls, many dealers were still blown: 65 the investigation procedure, the public Prosecutor’s office in this connection.

At the press conference, the number of fines was also known, with Around 300 of the district administration unit due to Corona violations issued so far – up to 10,000 more are still being tested. Around 100 Ads from all over Germany had it given against the FC Bayern , after the players arrived in Training at the cheering scenes very close to it. “It was a criminal offence.” Reason: The training operation was approved by the authorities.

Andreas Thieme

continuous rain in Munich: the feeling of Summer is in June, so far, only rarely. The weather Ticker for the state capital*.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.