Who’s on the phone in the train or in the Internet surfs, often with connection problems. That should change soon – the Federal government is investing in new train technology and the Expansion of the networks.

Berlin (dpa) – The train soon, better make phone calls and surf the net can, funded by the Federal technical modifications on the trains with 150 million euros.

The program with 100 percent funding is now on the way, said Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) after the second “mobile summit” in Berlin. The target was no longer that of the mobile radio to interrupt the train radio and the networks along the rail lines, better developed, could be. There are about 14,000 trains, said Scheuer. Part old devices would need to be replaced, only upgraded. 2021 to be completed. Previously it was only promoted on Pro rata basis. to close

radio holes, especially in rural areas, promotes masts of the Federal government in the future, the construction of the radio. At the summit meeting of the Federation, Länder, municipalities and companies agreed on the Details. Subsidies of 1.1 billion euros, should help to unlock up to 5000 mobile sites.

A new mobile infrastructure company of the Federal government to the faster Expansion of the organisation. In the Development of the new, faster wireless standards 5G five billion euros will flow. The approval times for new masts to be cut from an average of 18 to 3 months.


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