The Corona-crisis seems to for some reason, society values changed. In an international appeal for celebrities now call a “moral revolt” and warn of a division according to age groups.

Frankfurt (Reuters) – celebrities from the world of politics, society, the Church and science in an international appeal to the lives of old people in the Corona-crisis, not to devalue and wish for a “moral revolt”.

“All the necessary energy must be invested in order to save the greatest number of lives and to allow access to treatment for all”, – stated in the appeal, published in the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” (Saturday) as the display and in addition other by the philosopher and sociologist Jürgen Habermas has been signed.

“The value of life must remain the same for all. Anyone who devalues the fragile and weak life of the Elderly, is preparing a devaluation of everyone’s life the way”, they say. The goal must be to get away from the “institutionalization of old people”. Among the many first signatories of the appeal, the former President of the EU Commission Romano Prodi, the former Federal Minister of education Annette Schavan (CDU), as well as the Archbishop in the Northern Italian city of Bologna, cardinal Matteo to an.

In many countries, “a dangerous model”, the wish for a selective health care, in which the lives of old people as a secondary’m going to dive on considered. “Their greater vulnerability, given the advanced age and the possibly present further for you to existing diseases are to justify, then, a Form of selection in favor of Younger and Healthier.” To accept resignation, whether humanly and legally unacceptable, – said in the appeal. “The democratic and humanitarian ethics are founded on it, to make no distinction between people on the grounds of age.”

The signatories warn of a division of society into age groups: In all cultures the idea think also that the Generation of old people is a capital. To accept “that you are afforded a different value, is tearing the social network of solidarity between the generations and splits the whole of society. We must hurry to leave the Generation does not die, who fought against the dictatorships, the reconstruction after the war, and Europe has built.”

The appeal originated in order to give the pain and the great concern about the many deaths of old people in these months of expression, it States. There is a need for “a moral revolt, in the treatment of old people a change of direction takes place, and thus especially Vulnerable, never as a burden or, worse yet, as unnecessary to be considered”.

opportunity of signing the petition