The relation of short-time work also has an impact on the tax Declaration and the subsequent pension. What should knowledge workers.

short-time work can save jobs in the corona of a crisis*. More than ten million people in Germany get a short-time work* . People should know how this affects your tax and pension payments.

short-time work has increased – what you need to know Employees

More than ten million people in crisis in short-time work are in the Corona. An Instrument for hundreds of thousands of farms in Germany, will come through the crisis and to avoid redundancies in the best case. The Bundestag decided on 14. May a law Minister of labour, Mr Hubertus Heil (SPD). The Grand coalition voted in favour, the Opposition abstained. Generally, there are a already 60 percent of the last net earnings, or 67 percent for people with children. the Now it should be starting in the fourth month of the reference to 70 percent, or 77 per cent. From the seventh month it should be in the future, 80 percent or 87 percent. This is 31 to a maximum of. December 2020, to apply.

short-time work has implications for tax and pension

In the Corona-crisis is supposed to protect workers against wage loss in the case of short-time work. people should not forget that the relation of short-time working money also has tax implications . The assistance is tax-free, such as Stiftung Warentest telling you subject, however, to the so-called “progression”. Say: It is attributed to the taxable income is notionally allocated.

And Bernd Werner, member of the Board of the wage tax for workers e. V., wage tax help Association, emphasized according to a report from Who receive short-time working money, must submit next year’s tax return 2020*. This relates to all of the taxpayers , which have received more than 410 euros from the unemployment insurance, the expert said.

read more : So you can calculate the short-time working allowances – and, if you are sick.

short-time work in the tax Declaration in 2020 to take into account

the calculation of the tax rate is determined according to the report, first the taxable income*. It is because of the speed work lower. Then the tax authority add to the short-time working money. The resulting sum is then calculated of the tax rate. In other words, the tax rate falls by the payments from the unemployment insurance higher. With this tax rate is then taxed on the taxable income.

This applies also to married couples or registered civil partnerships to be taxed , according to the report One of the partners in short-time work, either by the progression of increased tax will be applied to a joint, taxable income. “In the Wake of the progression can lead to the fact that many workers have to pay next year’s taxes”, is quoted the expert Bernd Werner.

“To the workers financially, adverse effects of short-time working to mitigate, give some employers a subsidy for short-time working money,” according to the report. “This is the taxable wages.” Exceeds the Supplement paid by the employer together with the short-time working money, 80 percent of defaulted wage, then he was free of charge. The hot: It’s not social security would have to be paid contributions.

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short-time work: the impact on retirement

the coursework in by I> follow the money to the pension contribution payments </strong , reported the Portal. "The contributions are assessed based here in the net wage. Because the contributions are paid during short – time work on the Basis of the actually paid – reduced-earnings of employees", – stated in the report. Lower contributions would later consequently lead to reduced pension payments.

Also interesting: money from the state: These offers and aid for Employees in short-time work.


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