The only woman in the group showed the men who is the boss here: At the “Who wants to be a millionaire? – celebrity special” on Thursday evening, Max Mutzke, Bastian Bielendorfer, Jan Köppen and Andrea Kiewel took a seat on Günther Jauch’s council chair to ask for money for a good cause: the winnings went to the RTL foundation “We help children”.

After Mutzke and Köppen brought in 64,000 euros each, it was “Kiwi”‘s turn. Barefoot, she climbed into the chair and faced Jauch’s quiz. The usual good-humoured moderator of the “ZDF TV Garden” initially had no problems answering the questions correctly. So she quickly got to the 16,000 euro question, where she had to use a joker for the first time. The question was: “According to experts, which frequently invoked ‘trick’ against annoying wasps on the terrace does nothing at all?” Answer options were drying rack, egg cutter, paper bag or baby diaper trick.

With a large majority, the audience knew the correct answer: the paper bags are useless. They are supposed to signal to the animals that there is already a wasp nest here. But the wasps don’t fall for it because they use the smell as a guide, as Jauch explains.

Because Kiewel still reliably knew the right answers, she was soon faced with the €125,000 question. “What is there most of in Germany?” Jauch wanted to know. Elementary schools, cinemas, ice cream parlors or fitness studios were the alternatives. Here “Kiwi” used two jokers: First the 50:50 joker, the first two options remained. Then she drew the additional joker. He advised answer A: elementary schools.

Kiewel worked as a primary school teacher herself and says today: “There was not a day in my life that I didn’t enjoy going to school.” However, she is not completely convinced. Too much money is at stake for a good cause. So she nobly explains that in the event of failure, she wants to pay 10,000 euros out of her own pocket “because I spoiled it”. A noble gesture, which received a lot of applause.

Luckily the answer was correct, the moderator doesn’t have to tax anything out of pocket. However, she did not want to push her luck a second time: she got out when asked the 500,000 euro question. Jauch wanted to know from her: “Whereby the British split the question as to whether the TIF or the MIF principle should be preferred?” The options were horse betting, tea drinking, taxi driving and penalty shootouts. “I have no idea and stop it,” said Kiewel.

Nevertheless, Jauch provided the nice answer: The abbreviation stands for Tea in First or Milk in First. An existential question for the British. The British Standards Institution decided on the issue: milk first.

“Kiwi” was the latte, she had won the most money that evening with 125,000 euros, Bastian Bielendorfer could not surpass this sum with his 64,000 euros either. All four candidates earned 317,000 euros for “We help children”.

You can watch the “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? – Celebrity Special” on RTL