Anyone born in the past 30 years should not have missed their voice: Jürgen Kluckert has been lending his voice to the elephant Benjamin Blümchen, known from children’s radio plays, since 1994. In a total of more than 70 episodes, he set the adventures of the good-natured pachyderm to music and gave him a characteristic personality with his deep, warm voice.

Initially, several colleagues reported on the Twitter platform, which was recently renamed X, and the German Press Agency has now also confirmed the speaker’s death. Kluckert was born in 1943 in what was then the province of Pomerania and grew up in the GDR, where he was trained at the Ernst Busch State Drama School in East Berlin.

First he dubbed films for the East German film company DEFA. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, he continued his career as a successful voice actor in reunified Germany and was the German voice of Hollywood stars such as Morgan Freeman and Chuck Norris. In 1994 he got the role that has made him famous to this day: he took over the leading role in the “Benjamin Blümchen” series from his colleague Edgar Ott.