The mysterious story of fodboldsvindleren Bernio Verhagen is a nasty case for 1. denmark Viborg FF. It believes the panel in this week’s ‘Football FM’.

“It’s not a halvkaotisk southern european club: We’re talking smooth and ærkejyske Viborg! How he could end up there, I do not understand,” says Steffen Dam, spilchef on B. T Sport, about the fake footballer Bernio Verhagen, who have deceived themselves to a contract in Viborg FF.

Steffen Dam is also the team he will play in the 2. divisionklubben FA 2000. He believes that the Viborg FF’s team he will play, Jesper Fredberg, ‘has scored a big scratch in the paintwork’ after it has come to light that 1. denmark has given a contract to the 25-year-old Verhagen.

It has since proved, that he has never played a professional match, and that he has more strange transfers in the cv.

“If you are a full-time team he will play in a club, then you should have time to Deneme Bonusu check the player through on all ledder and edges,” says Steffen Dam.

Michel Wikkelsø Davidsen, fodboldkommentator on the B. T., believes that it is a small mitigating factor, that the case against Verhagen, who is suspected of being behind a huge hoax, is handed over to the police.

“It is The ‘way out’. Now we start to talk about something else: the fraudsters. We are still working with this hoax and talk about and examine just how much Bernio Verhagen has been with and so on,” he says, and continues:

“But we must not forget that Viborg have stepped in a shit. There are so many opportunities to investigate these things. But they have looked at, that there was something quick earnings to pick up.”

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