Hubert von Goisern has travelled as a musician-wide, and world-renowned. Now he has published “Fugitive” with his first novel – under his birth name Hubert Achleitner. Our review:

Here is everyone on the run. Maria, of course, the throw all that away, to disappear without a word from their everyday life and lead to marriage with Herwig. He, by his Famous call “TIG”, as of skin as of this date, and has been a regular in Nora’s bed. Which, in turn, deprives your Lover sometimes sent by pulling together your official friend. Then Lisa, who is constantly traveling through Europe is still in search of a good life to fulfilment. Lisa tells this story, which has been written down by Hubert Achleitner in “non-Volatile”.

Hubert von Goisern is regarded as the inventor of Alpine rock

The novel, which comes out today in the bookstores, is the literary debut of the Austrian. As a musician, the artist is called to that place where he was born 1952: Hubert von Goisern, who once invented the so-called “Alpine rock”, has long been one of the most important, most creative representatives of “New folk music” – on top of that, a sound researcher and cross-border workers. This is what makes his work so dazzling, exciting, versatile. Almost ten years ago, he told in an interview with our newspaper of his desire to someday write a novel: “There must be dreams and wishes,” he said. “To be Desireless, for the moment. But permanent is hostile to life.“

In retrospect, it looks as if he had formulated already at that time, a leitmotif of “Volatile”. Because no matter, whether main or minor character – they are all driven by their Desires, the Dreams that you have for your life. And is it matter, whether the are now profane or sublime.

Achleitner, sending his characters across Europe

So how the musicians Goisern none (Genre)boundaries, so also the author Achleitner send his protagonists across Europe to Greece: “Volatile” actually works as a road movie, but without the clichés from the on-the-go be to be stuck. Achleitner told swiftly and entertaining, his style is pleasantly straightforward. Although he tends to explain some of the hung dabbed intimation in the progress of still (such as the name of his main character, who is baptized on the eve of Mary Magdalene). But, the fact that the debutant is uncertain whether the effect of his sentences. In the process, are effortless, his paintings, beautiful and sometimes delightfully laconic conciseness: “It’s birds was as it was presented to the Pope, listless fertilization to prison,” he brings about the thread Sex of Maria and Wig to the point that crept in, after the Couple had lost his first child in the pregnancy. The accident marks the start of the alienation of a once delicate, fascinating love.

“Volatile” is the name of Hubert Achleitner first novel

It’s Maria’s companion and friend, Lisa, who reported it. You give the “things as they happen or where I was, as you are have been reported to me,” promises you the same on the first page. However, Achleitner doesn’t seem to trust her completely. As Lisa increases hitch-the edge of the road, with Maria in the car, he changes for the sake of safety in the authorial perspective.

from Now on, we follow the encounters of the women in their beautifully-described coincidence: “The beautiful rivers are those that meander, not the regulated channels”, as Lisa noted correctly. And we experience, such as TIG (“a born Optimist”) at home in Austria between guilt, Worry, and the newly obtained freedom of the Disappearance of his wife wants to explore. Achleitner, all the characters manage plastically, their Actions, and to make their feelings understandable.

in Spite of the theme of his story never loses its light, entertaining tone. This is due to the fact that “Volatile” is due to a quiet religiosity that far away from the institutions will be able to touch the soul of people and hope to donate. Because sometimes an escape path leads to the Fleeing so far from each other that they encounter each other again at the end.

book information:

Hubert Achleitner: “Volatile”. Paul Zsolnay Verlag, Vienna, 301 Pages; 23 Euro.