the Authorities pointing to preparation and forced evacuations as the reason that more lives are not lost.

Ten people are confirmed dead in the Philippines after a typhoon has hit south of the capital Manila.

It informs the philippine katastrofemyndigheder Wednesday.

the Authorities pointing to precautions and mandatory evacuations as the reason why there has not been more lives lost.

Typhoon Kammuri made landfall Monday evening local time, which led to forced evacuations of tens of thousands of inhabitants and hundreds of canceled flights

Five people have died in the central Bicol region. Including three persons who were drowned, informs a local katastrofeagentur.

Five other people were killed in a region south of Manila.

Approximately 345.000 people are still in evacuation centers and are awaiting regulatory approval before they can return home.

It tells the head of the Philippine disaster response Mark Timbal to the tv station ANC.

the Storm has left the usual damage, as storms of this magnitude do. It will say the toppled trees and damaged houses, he says.

Kammuri has now headed towards The south china Sea, with gusts up to 125 kilometres an hour.

According to the state vejrinstitut expected the typhoon to leave the Philippines on Wednesday evening local time.

Tuesday was over 449 flights deferred, and in total, about 100,000 passengers affected by the delays.

at the same time warned the authorities about the risk of floods, storm surge and landslides.

Kammuri, which locally goes under the name Tisoy, is the 20. the typhoon that hit the Philippines in years.

This year’s southeast asian games will be held in the Philippines until the 11. december. As a result of the storm, the organizers have postponed several of the competitions.
