The Danish tennis champion Caroline Wozniacki is on Tuesday in Copenhagen.

Again this year made verdensstjernen namely the road, past the KB Hallen, where she swung the racket, along with 24 foster children and young people.

in Fact is the fifth year in a row that the Danish tennisdarling take part in the special day, which is organized by the organization Børnehjælpsdagen and e-Box.

in Addition to hitting some balls with Wozniacki, the children had also the opportunity to get both an autograph and a selfie with the star. With herself she had also his brother, Patrik Wozniacki.

the Purpose of the event is to inspire foster children to more physical activity in everyday life.

Prior Mariobet to the day said Wozniacki in a press release that she looked forward to once again playing with the foster children and young people.

“It’s the fifth year in a row that I meet with the children, and it is a day, I every year look forward to. I think the kids are mega-cool and brave that they dare to show up and throw themselves into a sport they might not have tried.”

“Besides that we are enjoying ourselves and have fun together, so I also hope that I can be with to show that it is important in life to dare to take the plunge, to take the first step in a direction and set some milestones. And then remember to enjoy the small victories along the way, as I myself, in my pointer has made,” said Caroline Wozniacki.