Most species of ants live in nature and should not be found in your home. However, in search of food, ants slip through leaky doors, windows or gaps in the wall and thus get into the interior of the house. The result is visible ant trails that are created by scent marks on the food. The more attractive the food is, the more ants mark the path to it and the stronger the signal scent is, which in turn attracts more ants. If you don’t eliminate the cause of the ant infestation, you will make the condition worse in the long term. Read here how to recognize and counteract an ant infestation.

The animals are attracted by food and will crawl through even the smallest openings to get to the food source. Ants are usually found in the kitchen because that is where most of the food is stored. The result is long ant trails along which the animals can make their way into the entire house.

In addition to ant trails, there are other traces that can indicate an ant infestation in the house or apartment. Flying ants can be an indication, as can visible material damage caused by carpenter ants building their nests in built-up wood or insulating material. Also, look for crumbs from materials such as wood to identify an ant infestation. If you don’t stop the ants, you will have to accept long-term damage. As soon as you recognize an ant infestation, it is advisable to act quickly. However, if ants have settled firmly in the house, you should consult a pest controller. This can determine important points such as the type of ant, the extent of the infestation and a suitable course of action.

Ants can cause problems not only within your own four walls, but also in the garden. This is because an accumulation of scale insects or aphids on plants encourages ants to settle. Ants feed on the sweet excretions of aphids. This is why you can often find entire ant nests in flower pots or beds. This has fatal consequences for the plants, because the ants’ tunnel systems cause the roots to lose contact with the soil. This means that water and nutrients can no longer be absorbed sufficiently and the plants collapse.

There are various ways to get rid of ants. Ant baits that use attractants are popular and well-known. This ant trap is designed to reliably destroy ants and ant nests. You can place the bait in the house as well as on the terrace, balcony and in the basement. The ant bait can is also said to be odorless and last up to three months.

If you prefer to use home remedies, you can try the following methods.


Chalk is considered an effective way to keep ants away without killing them. Draw a thick chalk line through the ants’ paths. The alkaline talc blocks the antennae and respiratory tract of the ants and will therefore prevent the animals from crossing the chalk boundary.

Lavender, thyme and marjoram

Certain scents can also be a deterrent to ants. These include essential oils such as lavender, thyme and marjoram. The ants should not like the smell and therefore avoid it. In the garden, you can easily plant these herbs and avoid ants this way.

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