A man pretends to be a gentleman on the internet. He ensnares older, single women – and robs them. The unknown collects tens of thousands of euros. When investigators Judith Mohn and Freddy Breyer have to investigate the death of a cleaning lady, they can’t see any connection at first. Then they realize that “in truth” a lot is different than it first appears. The seventh episode of the pleasantly calmly told crime series from Saarland can be seen this Friday at 8.15 p.m. on Arte.
When the body of young Camille Bartell is found near a treetop path, it quickly becomes clear that the woman did not walk there herself. Someone must have put them there. Judith Mohn (Christina Hecke) and Freddy Breyer (Robin Sondermann) talk to Camille’s husband Eric (Nico Rogner). He actually seems surprised and shocked. And yet he is obviously hiding something from the inspectors.
disappointed women
The women for whom Camille worked as a cleaning lady have something in common – without knowing each other: They are in love with a man whom they met on the Internet and who suddenly stopped contacting them. Judith Mohn takes the desperation of the disappointed women to heart and has to try not to let their worries get to her too much.
But then she unexpectedly gets involved in the case privately. Because her mother also fell in love with a man online and promised him money. However, the two have not met yet. Now Judith wants to protect her mother, but on the other hand she could help her to catch the stranger. Because it is not yet clear whether the love scam on the Internet is the key to solving Camille’s violent death.
For the investigators from Saarlouis, the case with the subtitle “Blind before love” is increasingly developing into an emotional drama of single women cheated of feelings and money.