Donald Trump and Mette Frederiksen “fluctuate well together,” believes the latter. Trump would not meet the press.

The u.s. president came according to the prime minister, Mette Frederiksen (S) not using fresh bid to buy Greenland, which earlier this year became the source of diplomatic disquiet between the two.

The inflamed questions about Greenland was not part of the discussion at the meeting, which according to Mette Frederiksen (S) was good.

– I have a positive impression. We are swinging well together, and we have a very direct dialogue with each other. It is good, I think, in the international cooperation.

– We have many common points of contact, and we are important partners when it comes to security policy, says Frederiksen.

the Government has before the summit, Nato put forward a plan to bring additional 1.5 billion crowns to the Arctic, for monitoring in the air and in the sea. It said the us president also not at the meeting.

Americans should, however, be satisfied with the decision.

on the other hand, Trump according to the prime minister concerned with whether Denmark will be able to fill a hole in a big contingency plan for Nato.

It said Frederiksen yes, and it means that Denmark must provide an additional four aircraft to be available in a few years.

the Meeting between Trump and Mette Frederiksen, was also about the size of Denmark’s investment in defense. The cost is set on 1,32%, and they rise in the coming years.

But not enough. The budget, when not the two percent of gdp in 2024, as Nato has, however, not clearly defined goals.

It had, of course, we also have a discussion of. As I have argued in other contexts in the Danish press, so I believe that Trump has a point. Europe needs to take greater responsibility, says Frederiksen.

She adds that Denmark increases the defence budget by 30 per cent towards 2023.

And the prime minister has before the summit said that it will be ready for the political discussions to raise it further, and in these discussions will Nato target of two percent of gdp to be the underlying premise, she said.

Shortly before the meeting with Frederiksen announced the Trump, that he did not want the participation of the press from the USA and Denmark in connection with the initial handshake.

he had had in the context of other bilateral meetings on Wednesday.
