Go big or go home: Gone are the days when only the mobile phone and the bare essentials fit in the handbag. In the fall and winter season of 2023, bags cannot be big enough. The trend is towards the big bag and the XL shopper.

It’s not just quilted jackets that are making a comeback this fall. If you want to be at the forefront of the handbag game, you can rely on a quilted big bag. A wide variety of shapes can be selected here. Quilted XL clutches are particularly popular. A padded quilted bag in this format by no means looks old-fashioned, but gives every outfit a large dose of trend awareness – especially if it comes in classic, reserved colors such as cream, beige, black, dark green or brown.

Oversized bags made of fake shearling or fake fur are just as soft as the padded pockets and a lot more fluffy. Here you can play with bright colors like pink or orange, which can also be picked up again in other accessories such as hats or gloves. When it comes to the outfit, on the other hand, you should experiment with restrained colors. A nice contrast between color and material results, for example, in a look consisting of a black leather jacket, wide denim baggy jeans and a turquoise XL fake fur bag.

In everyday life, a bag can never have enough storage space. The big bag trend this autumn is therefore playing into the hands of many. With an XL shopper you are well equipped for all eventualities. Everything you need to transport from your home office to the office, for example, fits into the large bags. But they are also perfect for transporting groceries home from the supermarket or storing overnight things for a spontaneous weekend trip.