Johan was ceded have for many years woken at night because of Mike Babcock.

“He is a terrible human being. The worst person I’ve ever met,” says the swede.

The former hockey player is now over for Expressen words on his relation to the legendary NHL coach who, otherwise, have an awesome RESUME and has led the Detroit Red Wings to Stanley Cup victory and Canada to double OLYMPIC gold.

But at the end of november began rædselshistorierne to topple forward.

Here was Mike Babcock fired in the NHL club Toronto Maple Leafs. American media wrote that a total spillertrup of the 56-year-old canadian coach because of his mandskabsbehandling.

Subsequent came the former players also looked forward with their view. One of them is Johan Franzen, who was to win the Stanley Cup in 2008, in its 10 years under the coach.

“He was a bully. He threw himself over the people, and it could be nice in Detroit or whoever. He threw himself over the people, because he could,” says the former Swedish hockey player:

“From 2011, I was anxiety to be in the hall. I focused just on getting up in the morning. It was the first time, he threw himself over me, and last year was the first time I could sleep commonly since that time.”

And it went hard in addition to Johan was ceded, there also at the time had a concussion and suffered from depression. It tells Chris Go., who also played in the Detroit Red Wings in the period.

In the podcast ‘Spittin’ Chiclets’ says the former american player, on a particular episode, where Mike Babcock went crazy on the swede in connection with a match.

“It went too far for poor Johan. He got a nervous breakdown. Not just on the bench, but in one of the locker rooms after the match. It is probably the worst I’ve ever seen,” says Chris Go. in the podcast.

Johan was ceded can well remember the episode, and sums up: “I get chills when I think of it. It was rough, unpleasant and shocking. But it was just one of a hundred things he did: the Top of the iceberg,” says the 39-year-old swede.