The Danish goalie was a big match against Germany, but it reached not to the important WORLD cup points.

16 saves in all, including several on the completely obvious chances. A save percentage of 40. Målvogteren Sandra Toft was a brandkamp against Germany, but she has obviously find it difficult to rejoice over it after the defeat at 25-26 at the WORLD cup.

instead of regret, she cruelly than the essential German scores, which she believes she could and should have prevented.

– It is very nice to have been a fine battle. But the only thing I can think of is the last two balls, which, I believe, I should have taken, says Sandra Toft.

the Keeper had red eyes, as she left the track, and it is clear that it was one of the defeats, which makes particularly evil.

It was hard. It was really tough mentally. We fought all the time to get up, and every time we were about to be up, we lacked the last coolness, and we managed never to get ahead.

– We would be too much, and so was it for the stress, says Sandra Toft.

Denmark had an appalling start and was behind 4-10. But despite a part abused chances and technical errors ate the danes into Germany.

Freja Cohrt equalized at 22-22, and shortly after abused Stine Jørgensen is a great chance to give Denmark the first lead in the match.

– I had the feeling that we would win at 22-22. There I felt that we had kept the upper hand. But it happened unfortunately not, says Sandra Toft.

Denmark has three points after the first three matches and must have points against Brazil and then beat France to advance to mellemrunden.
