After his long break as Marvel hero Spider-Man, actor Tobey Maguire (47) seems to have tasted blood again thanks to “Spider-Man: No Way Home”. According to a report by the US site Variety, he would be back on board immediately if his phone rang a fifth time. “If people should call me and say, ‘Would you like to come over and do a movie with us, or read a scene, or do a Spider-Man thing?'” his answer could only be, ‘Yes!’ – “Because why shouldn’t I want that?”

So far, the Sony Pictures film studio, which holds the rights to the comic hero, has kept a low profile about plans for a new “Spider-Man” part. However, given the fact that the 2021 strip “No Way Home” grossed almost two billion US dollars at the global box office, it should only be a matter of time before Tom Holland (26) gets his fourth solo appearance . In any case, according to his most recent statements, he can immediately count on the help of his big spider brother Maguire. And Andrew Garfield (39), who was also seen on “No Way Home”, would certainly not let them down.