Swedish teen and klimaaktivist is reached at UN climate talks in Madrid, under any uproar.

the climate debate takes up more and more, but it will not be translated into action.

so says the Swedish klimaaktivist Greta Thunberg, which is reached at the UN climate talks COP25 in Spain’s capital, Madrid.

Taking a part uproar arrived she on Friday morning to the railway station in Madrid. Many people pushed to get a glimpse of the famous swede.

It happened, when she arrived at the conference centre in Madrid, where the climate meeting takes place. She was surrounded and squashed by the delegates and journalists, which would reach right up to the Swedish teen, writes the BBC.

– We are getting bigger and bigger, and our voices be heard more and more, but it reacted, of course, not to political action, she says at a news conference.

Thunberg later Friday to participate in a march in Madrid with the requirement for urgent action against climate change.

It must run simultaneously with a similar march in Chile.

COP25 should really have been settled in Chile’s capital, Santiago. But large-scale demonstrations against increased inequality in the country was the country’s president, Sebastián Piñera, to sign off as the host. Spain took over with short notice to host.
