It was a dramatic affair, where the Brøndby coach Niels Frederiksen in the final phase because of brokkeri was presented with a red card by the judge, Morten Krogh.

AGF came in front 2-0 on goals by Mustapha Bundu and Patrick Mortensen.

But Brøndby came good again and got the offset to 1-2 on a direct hit by Kamil Wilczek, who was back after finishing quarantine.

AGF’s offensive works better and better. On the wings was Mustapha Bundu and Jon Thorsteinsson contact challenging, and in front of the full Patrick Mortensen a lot. With the victory over Brøndby IF takes AGF now unique in scandinavia because the fourth place. The aarhus club has not won a medal since 1996, but as they play in the moment it can not be excluded, that in this season finally succeed again.

Sigurd Rosted delivered a perfectly lousy effort. Brøndby coach Niels Frederiksen justified Winxbet the replacement after the first half, the 25-year-old Norwegian stops leaning upwards a deportation after he earlier in the fight had received a yellow card. But the story also hear that he was at fault in the AGF’s scoring to 1-0. The torque in Mustapha Bunda had kanoneret the ball in the Lineouts-the target netmasker, he lost the middle of the pitch the ball to Patrick Mortensen.

It did not seem as if the corps of inspectors had a grip on things. Before the fight was the reason there was chaos in the parking lots outside the stadium. Likewise forsook their strip search of the Brøndby-supporters, before and during the match ignited dozens of or more main gun barrels and firecrackers. Heruover it is worth noting, that there was fired so many rockets that stadionspeakeren in the middle of the first half had to ask for the order.