The resume is the heart of the application. On a indication you should avoid but better, the job seekers always stumble.

Before you submit your resume, you should consider a few points carefully: Is the spelling? The times given are really correct? The most important professional stations? On the last point, applicants stumble again and again, because when it comes to their Jobs, commit many serious errors.

resume: a Short job is better

omit a Lot of candidates approach in the belief every Job of your career in the resume writing. But career expert Liz Ryan sees it quite differently: “Your CV is a Marketing document , not a legal document. You can write down all past Jobs that you want, and omit that you don’t want to,” she says in a question and answer session of the American Forbes magazine.

Jobs that you have applied only for a very short period of time – for three months – you should better to miss from your resume. Because the make a simple no sense , the expert thinks.

also read: Six typical errors in CV, which almost makes up every once.

Short employment times make recruiters suspicious

This approach is understandable, because who was only a short time in one Position, the not liked either his Job or he was poorly and was terminated. In any case, it raises the personal questions, the candidates no later than in the interview on the feet. Or even worse: You will not be invited to the interview.

Only call Jobs, which are for the new body is important

career experts, therefore, advise that all the Jobs in the resume to highlight the fit to the new body – in which you have experience for the new job and company. Because it is of interest to recruiters and bosses really. Age-old in addition to jobs or internships that have to do with the Job you are nothing, you can as well way.

More: CV 2018 – So the perfect CV can be achieved.

And: is A special Trick that transforms your CV from good to great.

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Andrea Stettner

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