traditions with better arguments, moral courage, dare to create, the facts – as emancipation goes. Greti Caprez-Roffler (1906-1994) before she lived her reformed theologians life – to the point of exhaustion and Resignation, but also a role model for all women who are excluded in other churches of the Ordination and pastorate.

The 25-year-old, freshly-baked theologian was on 13. September 1931, beyond the borders of Switzerland famous. In the Grisons mountain village of Furna, they selected 18 men for the Europe’s first full-time pastor, and against all odds, and against the Grisons Church Constitution so it is illegal. The Bündner Council of churches, responded immediately to the stubborn mountain community and confiscated the Church graced assets.

Futile fight

in 1932, rejected the Protestant Grisons, the woman from pastor Smith, and so on. Greti Caprez had fought with articles in the Grisons press in vain for the admission of women to the pastorate. Among the supporters, with her father Joos Roffler, of the reformed pastor in the grison Igis. The Women found defenders even among famous Intellectuals abroad: the case of Karl Barth, then Professor of theology in Bonn, or Marianne Beth, Austria’s first lawyer.

As if the choice of the young theologian would not have been provocation enough, she moved in with her son and a housekeeper, but without the husband to the rectory. This worked in Zurich as an engineer and visited his family only every second weekend. To took pastoral care conversations, the pastor, the Baby easy.

Three years as an illegal pastor were enough. You suffered as a result of the geographical separation from the beloved “Ehekameraden”, as she called him. She convinced him to study in Zurich theology, while holding in the Region of guest sermons.

The granddaughter, a matter of course, men in positions of Authority had, at that time, the sexual availability of young, dependent women.

The journalist and sociologist Christina Caprez, the exemplary life of the theologian, which was her grandmother according to records, meticulously. As a good Protestant, this put in front of God and the posterity about their life a detailed account. So was the granddaughter, on an extensive estate, to letters and diaries. The duty of the grandmother, and the joy of the Telling result, however, that the book is far too detailed and true-to-detail. The biography is thus, in part, to the chronicle.

Greti Caprez was certainly an independent woman who blew up thanks to their life-hunger conventions. In Grisons the rectory grew up, they wandered in the young years of marriage with her husband, the engineer Gian Caprez, to São Paolo. Due to the economic crisis, the pregnant woman returned to Switzerland. You, which introduced in Furna for girls ski pants, and moms nights uninhibited about sexuality and prevention of language, had to have a paternalistic Assault like it.

The granddaughter, a matter of course, men in positions of Authority had, at that time, the sexual availability of young, dependent women. As Greti Caprez in 1930 came shortly before the final exam at the University of Zurich, the liberal Professor of theology and rector of the Ludwig Köhler in the office, and kissed the pregnant woman on the mouth – “what for me was so funny that I was able to hide the Laugh,” writes the budding theologian in her diary.

Exciting piece of history

The Theological remains in the Background. So the friendship with the then leading Zurich-based theologian Emil Brunner, the Caprez with the revival of faith, of Oxford, had made a movement. However, the granddaughter is writing an exciting piece of reformed Church history and at the same time, an incredibly laborious history of Emancipation.

As you can about the grandmother has to say about the doubts as to whether you should study theology: “Then I can’t dance but, even more love, and will to an acidified old maid or bring it to a parish woman.” Virgin later, the mother of six remained, but it was actually parish woman, as her husband since 1938 in various communities as a pastor. You yourself remained in the pulpit, denied it.

a toad

swallow the theological faculties at the beginning of the 20th century. Century for students opened, they were not allowed to become priests, but had to work as parish assistants under the authority of their male colleagues. Only since 1956, initially only) unmarried women could take over (in some cantons a parish. Starting in 1965 in the Canton of Graubünden. In 1966, Greti Caprez and her husband were legally a Reverend and pastor in the Rhine forest

Previously, in 1963, namely, it has been Greti ordained Caprez, together with eleven Theologians in the Zurich Grossmünster, and officially as the pastor recognized – 32 years after their illegal election to the pastor in Furna. During the Ordination, she was a 57-year-old and grandmother – and had to swallow a toad: women had to work together with a priest and were allowed to be chosen only in parishes with a minimum of two Parishes.

The life of Greti Caprez-Roffler (1906 to 1994). Limmat Verlag, Zurich. 386 p., CA. 44 Fr.

Created: 28.02.2020, 17:02 PM