The “Battle of the Reality Stars” is entering a new round. The fifth season of the reality format starts on April 10th on RTLzwei (8:15 p.m.). Cathy Hummels (36) has moderated the show since the first season. “The time on ‘KDRS’ is always nice, after all I’m in Thailand for almost five weeks,” the presenter and influencer enthuses about the filming and reveals:

“I’m really looking forward to the broadcast. We no longer have an editorial office this year, but the management floor is completely new. But otherwise you can just look forward to the usual competition in a beach setting again.” Her role in the format has remained the same since season one: “I take a neutral position, but I also ask strict questions and get to the bottom of the candidate.”

She knew one participant, Jenny Elvers (51), personally before filming started. “I like Jenny. I think it’s great that she faces her demons and her problems with her alcohol addiction in such a way that she doesn’t keep it a secret,” says Hummels. “It’s an illness, you shouldn’t forget that. I think she did a great job and handled it well.” Ben Tewaag (47) is another prominent name in the field of candidates. “He’s had one or two escapades and I’ve read that the relationship with his mother isn’t always easy. But to be honest, I don’t want to be guided by prejudices and various headlines, because I also have that about myself “I know,” says the presenter. “Most things aren’t true and that’s why I was very neutral as always. I found him very likeable.”

Participant Noah Cremer (born 2002) is a TikTok star who Hummels experienced as “totally sweet and very polite.” She doesn’t use her own TikTok account much. “It’s not my platform and I feel like I’m a bit too old for it. I’m more of an esthete and prefer photos. I also like video content, but what bothers me about it is that everything always happens so quickly and there is such an oversupply. It’s mentally overwhelming for me. I can’t process it. I’d rather look at fewer things, but at high-quality things.”Her son Ludwig (6) doesn’t have any social media accounts yet, Cathy Hummels continues . “He knows that I work a lot with Instagram. But Ludwig is different, he’s not interested in that. He sees how it works with his dad and mom, and he doesn’t like it when we’re on our cell phones too much. Sure He can also play a little on the iPad or watch TV. But after 20 minutes he’s had enough and he’d rather go back to playing football or chess.”

On her Instagram account with around 687,000 subscribers, Cathy Hummels regularly experiences the negative sides of social media. When she advertised her “sugar-free cookbook” with recipes for children with a revealing photo at the end of February, critical comments collected under the post. Hummels then took the photo off her account and made a new post about the cookbook. “It was all planned and prepared,” she says in the interview. “I knew what I was doing. I knew that if I presented it exactly like that, then there would be people who would be upset again,” says the moderator. “That’s when I lured them out of their reserve. What’s important to me is simply to draw attention to the fact that you feed your children well and also take care of yourself. I’ve made it my main task to create this awareness of a healthy lifestyle. It is completely what I live. I don’t eat white sugar and I do a lot of exercise. If I have to polarize for this message, then I’ll do it.”

If you follow them and their content, then you also know that “I don’t really care what others say. I do what I want to do,” emphasizes Hummels. She thinks it’s nice “when you live out your personality. I’ve never been mainstream and I never will be. I’m not everyone’s darling and I don’t want to be that. First and foremost, I have to be happy with my life. “Every now and then she has deactivated the comment function on Instagram “because it just got too stupid for me. It’s always the same candidates who talk themselves into a rage.” But she doesn’t want to send a message to her haters, rather she would rather “tell my people who write me positive comments and always nice feedback that I’m very grateful for that and that I see that.”

In addition to her work as an influencer, entrepreneur and presenter, Hummels could also imagine another area of ??activity: “As an actress, I could definitely imagine doing more and maybe even playing a longer role. I really enjoy slipping into other characters . Otherwise I’m very busy (laughs).”

Apart from a work stay in Miami, Hummels has no plans for any time off in the near future. “I don’t see it as a burden, but as a great privilege that I can work.” If she has nothing to do at all, she doesn’t know what to do with her time. “When Ludwig is away and I don’t have that much work, I just get really bored. I like to be productive, I like to be creative and I like to make the most of my life. You never know when it’s going to be over.”

Her inner drive has now relaxed a bit. “It used to be very strenuous. Today I know what I can and can’t do. I know my strengths and weaknesses and know exactly how I have to deal with myself so that I stay healthy.”

Her new house, in which Hummels feels completely at home, is also responsible for her well-being. “This is my home, our home. I just did everything exactly the way I wanted and never let myself be misled,” she says. “Ludwig has his area and he was allowed to furnish it completely the way he wanted. There’s nothing about the house that I don’t like. Although: I’m thinking about painting it pink.”