Thekla Carola Wied (78) fans must be strong now, the actress is apparently thinking about quitting. She announced this in an interview with the dpa on the occasion of her next TV film “Martha Liebermann – A Stolen Life”. “It would be a nice ending, a nice end to my career. I want to retire,” she said. At least she leaves a small back door open: “If another great role comes along”.
“Martha Liebermann – A Stolen Life” can be seen from October 6th in the ARD media library and on October 10th at 8:15 p.m. in the first. It tells the story of the Jewish Martha Liebermann (1857-1943), wife of the Jewish painter Max Liebermann 1847-1935), who refused to let the Nazi regime rob her of her dignity. The historical drama combines her moving struggle for survival in Berlin during the war of 1943 with the hitherto little-known story of the Solf Circle, a resistance group led by women.
At the traditional television festival in the Principality of Monaco, the 61st Festivals de Television de Monte-Carlo, Thekla Carola Wied was awarded a Golden Nymph for “Best Actress” and the film “Martha Liebermann – A Stolen Life” for “Best Television Film”. In addition to an Austrian Romy, it is the first international honor for her work.
“I found it very lucky to keep Martha’s life and fate in people’s minds. The price was the icing on the cake,” she told the broadcaster. Actually, the award was for Martha and Max, she pushed afterwards. “This international award also means a lot to me because the film’s laconic narrative style apparently succeeded in depicting an exemplary fate from the darkest time in our history,” Thekla Carola Wied continued.
The actress celebrated her breakthrough in the 1980s. With the TV series “I marry a family” (1983-1986) she won the hearts of the fans.