There is hardly a sector of the economy in Switzerland, which is not affected by the Corona-crisis. However, the cultural industry has met head-on, but it still occupies large parts of a kind of government-mandated prohibition from practising a profession. Since the 28. February says events over 1,000 people, event organizers, club owners, and artists fear for their existence, and it is not the weight of evidence suggests that this measure is extended in the morning only, but also dramatically exacerbated.

Therefore, the Federal office for culture (BAK) and the cultural Foundation Pro Helvetia, have today invited a number of cultural associations to a hearing. The aim of this session was to discuss the by the Coronavirus resulting economic consequences in the cultural sector.

fire in the house
Christoph Trummer from the Swiss Association of musicians (Sonart) speaks of a fruitful exchange. The BAK have understood the seriousness of the situation and will represent the interests of the culture industry within the Federal administration vehemently.

It is first of all to extinguish the fire, then you’ll see which parts of the house are still be saved, says Christoph Trummer. More specifically, the financial emergency measures in order for the cultural operators, the culture liquid and not bankrupt need to register. In a second step, in the medium-term set of measures to be negotiated. Here, it comes to define who can be compensated for the financial damage and how this money will be divided.

No trench warfare
And it is precisely at this point is likely to prevail longer a lack of clarity Mr. It is up to all of the people Involved are aware of the fact that among the various culture areas, a large dependency rule, says Oliver Dredge from the Association of Swiss music clubs and Festivals (Petzi). A host can’t survive without artists, and artists would have problems, if there are no venues any more to give. However, Mr sche still a country of great legal uncertainty in the question of whether, in the case of an epidemic event organizer fees to the artists has to pay or not. After all, the announced that Pro Helvetia has already undertaken to support contributions at home and abroad said to be paid out if the projects had to be cancelled due to the Coronavirus, the artists, but costs were incurred.

No corridor cleanup
it should Also be clear to all Concerned that you could not speak in the cultural sector of a land consolidation: “If a host or artist file for bankruptcy, will tear the gaps in the cultural offer of the country, for not just a replacement is ready,” says Trummer.

At the Hearing, among other associations, such as Pro Cinema, Suisse, culture, the associations of theater workers or the Swiss yodelling have Association participated. Trench warfare between the Parties had not been identified, so Trummer. You could find, on the contrary, a great solidarity between the different Cultural fields.

Whether this solidarity will prevail, if in fact funds are to be distributed must, however, have yet. Similarly, it is unclear who would have to ultimately decide where cases of hardship exist.

the results of The Hearings are now incorporated into a working group of the Federal administration. This will examine measures, such as the damage could be mitigated in various sectors of the economy of the country. Tomorrow, Friday, the first by the Federal Council, measures taken should be communicated to the economic help.

Created: 12.03.2020, 17:41 PM