On the first day of consultations, the UNITED states Supreme court is not a clear indication of whether the case on våbenlov will be rejected.

The u.s. supreme court justices are divided on whether a large case on the våbenrettigheder must be rejected.

It is clear on Monday after a hearing in the UNITED states Supreme court.

the Case has been anticipated, as it could potentially pave the way for a significant expansion of the rights to bear arms in the UNITED states.

It happens only rarely that the UNITED states Supreme court takes a position on the country’s våbenlov. The most recent major case was in 2010.

Supporters of an expanded våbenlov – including the powerful våbenlobby the National Rifle Association (NRA) – hopes that the current composition of the judges in the Supreme court may lead to more lenient våbenregler.

Five out of the nine supreme court justices are conservative.

Among them is Samuel Alito, and Neil Gorsuch, both on Monday spoke for the Supreme court should find a decision.

the Rest of the conservative judges indicated, however, not clearly, whether or not they think the case should be rejected, or that they should reach a decision.

the Case is based on a smaller case from New York. Here, were previously banned for våbenejere to take their weapons out of the city limits.

Three local våbenejere and våbenlobbyen the NRA opted to raise the case, because they claimed that it was contrary to the other tillægsparagraf – Second Amendment in the u.s. constitution.

the Rules in New York has since been modified, yet the UNITED states Supreme court has so far chosen to take the matter further.

The liberal judges of the supreme court, however, believes that regulatory changes in New York have made it pointless to discuss the topic.

Outside of the UNITED states Supreme court in Washington were protesters on Monday met up.

They held up signs in the air with slogans like “Why is it cheaper to buy weapons than to get a college education?”, “Våbenregler saves lives” and “the Second Amendment was written before assault weapons were invented.”

– I have an 11-year-old daughter. I have never to worry about the weapons in my school, back when I was young, ” says Christina Young, a Betmarino mother from Maryland.
