More politicians will have suspended military training for the saudi air force in the UNITED states after skuddrab Friday.

The us secretary of defense Mark Esper, has prompted a review of control procedures in the context of a saudi military training program in the UNITED states.

It says he on Sunday, two days after a 21-year-old soldier from the saudi air force killed three persons and wounded eight others at a naval base in the us state of Florida.

Several prominent politicians, among others, republican senator Lindsey Graham, going to be the training program suspended.

– I like allies. Saudi Arabia is an ally, but there is something fundamentally wrong here, ” says Graham to Fox News.

– We will have to suspend the saudi program, until we find out what is happening.

Police, the FBI announced earlier on Sunday that, so far, are investigating the case as a terrorhændelse, but that the circumstances must be clarified.

the UNITED states’s national security adviser, Robert O’brien, went a step further:

– For me to see, it seems to be a terrorist attack, he says to the tv station CBS.

the FBI is investigating whether the 21-year-old saudi soldier acted on his own, “or whether he was part of a larger network,” says Rachel Rojas, director of the FBI in Florida.

– We will evaluate at the present time, that there was one perpetrator, who carried out this attack, and there have been no arrests in the case.

The 21-year-old soldier was shot and killed by a cop.

Saudi Arabia is one of AMERICA’s closest allies in the Middle east.

Saudi Arabia’s king Salman has condemned the shooting and said that the offender “does not represent the saudi people”.
