The “mirror” reported in a detailed article about how Eva Herman and her life partner, Andreas Popp (59) mediate, supposedly with business partners, land plots on the island of Cape Breton in the canadian province of Nova Scotia in German emigrants. The Economist Popp is the founder of the so-called “knowledge factory”, a for about 15 years, the existing Association law-oriented academics. Herman occurs here since a few years as a so-called “media adviser”.

Eva Herman as a showcase for the sale of land,

juicy is the property of mediation by two circumstances: Due to their media prominence, Herman will attract obviously solvent customers from the right Milieu, to establish in Canada a new kind of German colony quite apart from the Herman and Popp time and again criticized the “biased Mainstream media”. According to the report, the sale of seminars, speakers such as journalist, documentary filmmaker and political activist Michael Vogt. He pleaded in the Scriptures for a “revolutionary restructuring” and the “abolition of the party-state”. Knowledge industry/YouTube/Screenshot Andreas Popp and Eva Herman in a video post.

“German citizens with brown ideas”

A German business man who lives for 20 years in Canada, and said the “mirror” that for some time in Cape Breton “, German citizens with brown ideas” settled. A “colony of like-minded people” should be established. The parcels sold, are overpriced, also, for evaluation by experts, reports the magazine. In the article allegations reject Herman and Popp. Your Telegram of the channel and their Homepage Hermann informed that the article was “insulting” and “defamatory”. Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

no doubt is Not a surprising development

But the fact that Eva Herman moves since years in the firm right-wing Milieu. In 2007, she had been from the NDR to the controversial statements to the family policy of the national socialists dismissed. In 2009, she supported the European election campaign of the party “– party for labour, environment and family”, and set the tone for the coming years, as they announced at the kick-off meeting of the party: “We have become a society of shrinking, we are shrinking the Germanic tribes.”

climate change? A Dizziness! The Refugee Crisis In 2015? Behind it is a certain group of power people of the global financial system “- put” formulated by Herman in August 2015 in an essay.

With the start of the Corona-crisis, she has found, like many actors of the right spectrum, a new field of activity. Their platform is the messenger service Telegram, but also on their own website and YouTube Herman brings your message to your Fans. 135.000 Followers supplies you regularly via Telegram with crude theories and gets a lot of approval.

enemy of Bill Gates

“The microbe” is the name Herman trivialising the Virus, or with the so far worldwide, more than 630,000 people died. She is of the opinion that a small groups of “rich leaders” on the globe “rule” and the vaccination control industry. Like many conspiracy theorists, she calls in Bill Gates and his wife Melinda. Hermann also praises US President, Donald Trump for his absurd claim that the Coronavirus will eventually just disappear. Picture: AP Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

their tangled theses topped the formerly respected journalist of the public broadcasting service with a pungent claim to truth, you communicate day-to-day on their channels. Coronavirus patented? CNN confronts Bill Gates with crude conspiracy theories FOCUS Online/Wochit Coronavirus patented? CNN confronts Bill Gates with crude conspiracy theories

If the Corona-crisis is suddenly real

journalists are apparently undesirable – even though your channel is on the messenger service to the public. “Germany radio listens to my Telegram channel, and tear my Comments to be arbitrarily taken out of context. The forced fees work funded broadcaster,“ criticized Herman, a report of the transmitter. This shows how deep it is submerged in the world of Corona-the deniers and conspiracy theorists.

The business with the shady of mediation of land in the German colony in Canada is located in the the Moment, broke – the Corona of a pandemic is very real. If soon again Hermans adherents to Nova Scotia flows? The reputation of the selling real estate company, Cape Breton Real Solutions has suffered. More parcels for the customers from Germany have acquired, apparently, anyway.

“leave not fuck to leave”: The German say to the Corona the case of Mallorca FOCUS Online “holiday don’t mess up let”: The German say to the Corona case in Majorca
