Denmark on Wednesday in connection with the eu summit, Nato agreed to provide a further four aircraft available for Nato preparedness in 2020 and 2021.

It says the prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S) on Wednesday afternoon after a meeting north of London.

” In relation to Nato, there is want for further Danish contribution of aircraft capacity, and we have said yes to meet,” says the prime minister.

Denmark has already promised to put four aircraft available for Nato. So there will now speak on the eight fighter aircraft. But only in two years.

“There is a desire for a further four aircraft in 2020 and 2021. They are part of the Nato preparedness, which we already included in the. It is an extension of the work we have started already,” she explains.

The four planes will be added to a Danish contribution, which already counts four aircraft and a kampbataljon as well as a warship.

In connection with the summit was the wish put forward, Nato has a hard time to cover the promises you have for the big afskrækkelsesinitiativ 30-30-30-30.

the Initiative covers 30 battalions, 30 lufteskadriller, 30 warships, which must be able to move out in the course of the last 30 days.

the Purpose is to deter by, that these forces can step in with short notice in the event of a crisis or disaster.

“I’m happy and proud on Denmark’s behalf, that there is want of further Danish contributions. It is because our soldiers are so capable, and because we have the capacity, as we have,” says the prime minister.

Mette Frederiksen held the Wednesday after the summit of Nato in a bilateral meeting with the us president, Donald Trump.

A minute before the meeting with Mette Frederiksen, was cancelled by the u.s. president pressedeltagelse.
