German police are continuing to work intensively to find the perpetrators behind the museumskuppet in the German city of Dresden on Monday.

Police fear that the priceless art treasures will be omsmeltet and be lost forever.

Therefore, the police have also chosen to share pictures of more of the approximately 100 items stolen from the museum, The Green Vault.

It is about both the brooches and swords. All covered with jewels.

But although many items are fascinating glittering to look at, it is not necessarily because of their value in dollars and cents is staggering.

It told the director of Wipbet the museum, The Green Vault, Marion Ackermann, at a press conference Monday.

On the other hand, the ‘ideological value’ – as she called it – priceless.

this is Why it is essential that the jewellery is not lost by remelting.

to avoid this – and to catch the traffickers – German police set up a special efterforskningsgruppe of 20 persons, which it has called ‘Epaulet’.

An epaulet is a traditional skulderdekoration, as officials and military personnel have worn on their dress uniform through time.

Just an epaulet were among the stolen art treasures, which was a part of the collection from August 2. of Poland – known as August the Strong.

the Police are working from a theory that the perpetrators may not be come long after the coup, which took place at about five o’clock on Monday morning