Javier Cortes (Madrid, 1989) causes a huge respect; his short and eventful life could very well be the thoughtful and strain plot of a novel without end. And it is not a unique case, but one among the small handful of ‘aliens’ that feel like a bullfighter, from the cradle, human beings made of sterner, heroes predestined to the glory and failure, the struggle against the elements of a life is almost never easy, based on the sacrifice and commitment to a vocation that has chosen them.

Javier is sitting there, in front of a café cortado; is a young man, porte athletic, perched behind a colored sunglasses, a serious face and a striking scar on his chin, a reminder of a now distant and rugged afternoon novilleril to a ‘corridón’ in the sierra madrileña.

With a grimace of sadness in his face, tells his story as if such a thing, without realizing, sure, that is so overwhelming as admirable.

Javier Cortés suffered a terrifying goring in the right eye last September 15 at the plaza de Las Ventas. Three months later, after two surgical operations and a calvary of pain and discouragements, dreams that come true the portents of the doctors and to recover the short-sighted -about 40 percent – that you had before the mishap in that eye, in which three years ago suffered a detached retina.

The coffee cools, the bullfighter outlines for the first time, a smile, and confesses…

“I’ve had a lot of luck; if the python had me go into the other eye, the good one, I removed the bullfighting. So I must thank…”

“I have the illusion of a child, when I wanted to be a bullfighter”

It emboldens and continues…

“I have the illusion of a child, when I wanted to be a bullfighter, and my future I see it as very hopeful…”

And that’s what counts the bullfighter after to remember the bad moments after the goring.

“it Has been around, it is true. At the beginning, I ran bad, very, very bad. I felt a total rejection of what had happened to me. Why is this fuck? I’ve always gone to Madrid to give it my all and I have expected any mishap, but a butt in a eye, it was unthinkable. I’ve lived hard times, with some discomfort tremendous in the eye”.

on December 20, Javier Cortes turned to feel the tingling of bullfighting when she dressed in short to stand in front of a cow at a farm in Salamanca; after that, he repeated the experience in two farms more, and your feeling is very positive (“I’m very happy, I have found myself at a good level”), despite the serious gaps that still suffers.

Javier Cortés, the veronica, in a tentadero recent. (Trocha) from júcaro

“I’m starting to distinguish colors, but nothing more. And the good prospects are awaiting a third intervention to which I will submit at the end of the season. Then, I placed an intraocular lens, which I will facilitate the vision that you can recover”.

The bullfighter will change the face when you are asked to remember the evening of 15 September…

“I was Going with a lot of illusion to this run, but as soon as I saw the bull I knew that I would get in [to the nurse], it was very bad, it seemed toreado, I threw the chest into the cloak and, later, the jolt in the eye. I knew the damage that I had been from the first time; I noticed that it was very serious. And I freaked out a lot more when you gift up to [surgeon Sales] it took five minutes to decide that I take you to the hospital. It is not taken away from me or the suit of lights…! And I thought: I am trap”.

And it’s still there, with the cold coffee and the colored goggles, this human stranger, with a single idea in his head: his reappearance in the arenas.

“I Start to distinguish colors and it all depends on a third intervention”

“I don’t know where or when I will return to bullfighting, I would like to know, but my intention is to do it this year in a square of the first. The company from Madrid has given me good words, and I have always been treated well. I have been promised to be announced two afternoons in the season, and I hope that so be it.”

The Sales has been the stop and fonda of a bullfighter, like so many others, it has not been easy to express your feeling.

States categorically that he was born a bullfighter. The son of a marriage, a native of the town area of Villanueva of the Archbishop, and established in Madrid (his father has run a poultry in the market Orcasitas until his retirement), without any relationship with the bulls, Javier doesn’t remember when he said he wanted to be a bullfighter. His first idol was José María Manzanares, the father, with the intention to emulate him entered the School of Bullfighting in Madrid, and in 2008 he was the winner of the Competition of Calves for Night which is held in Sales.

you Acknowledge that your transition from school to the ranks of novillero with horses was “very hard”, has dealt authentic bullfighting in the madrid mountains, suffered many flips and is familiar with the color of his blood.

he Took the alternative in 2010, in the plaza de Vistalegre, and began to live in their own flesh the difficulties of their chosen profession.

Has toreado little, and after the start hesitant, he knew the bitter taste of forced unemployment.

“I spent three years (2013, 14 and 15) without a fight or a heifer in the field, although it was the era in which more training. No one remembered me, and I was forced to look for a job. I’ve caught fruit in the field, I have dealt in advertising, I have been a bartender and, in particular, cook. I am not good in the kitchen, I took a course and worked in a good restaurant in Madrid”.


Bulls, fans demanding and heroes of light, a gift from reyes Felix de Azua, a preacher in Seville: “bullfighting is a living work of art” José María Garzón, taurine orchestra, entrepreneur and agent of success

Between pots was Javier Cortés when he received the call from the bullfight Manolo Campuzano, willing to help you. He left the apron and began together a new stage. In 2017, made the paseíllo in Madrid in a challenge cattle with bulls of Palha, and the Pit of the Gypsy and left impacted the fans for his bravery and good manners.

And the following year, five runs in the capital, an event, a challenge, a commitment very hard to farming hard.

“I did Not go out malparado, but neither achieved the success they dreamt of. The runs were very complicated, but it was what they had”.

there was No triumph, though the matador has won the respect of the fans, which is not little.

“I Think that I expected with illusion; I don’t know if I’m better or worse bullfighter, but I give myself to give it all with sincerity and transparency, which I intend to print my bullfighting”.

– And what about the future?

– “I Came to think that is just bull, what would have been very sad after so much struggle, and I have recovered the illusion. That is my great triumph. In February we will meet ten years of my alternative and keep intact the same dreams then”.

Javier Cortes hurry the coffee, as coffee ice-cream; remember, that tomorrow you have an appointment in the field and he confesses that it is passing fear, ‘ as if they were announced in Madrid”; and don’t want to forget to Paco Ureña, also injured in one eye, who has been at his side since the day of the mishap: “Your support and your triumph have given me a moral tremendous,” he says.

The bullfighter comes out of the cafeteria and realizes that he has not renewed the ticket of the parking. Is the human being, the ‘alien’, the hero, the protagonist of an overwhelming and admirable history. A bullfighter…

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