In the fourth show of “The Masked Singer” Rick Kavanian (53) and Palina Rojinski (39) started guessing celebrity riddles with the help of “Taff” presenter Viviane Geppert (32) on Saturday evening on ProSieben. This time with even more clues and more appearances.

Robodog was unmasked this week and – just as the jury and viewers had unanimously decided – turned out to be the moderator Nazan Eckes (47). “Palina, you knew it from the beginning!” she said angrily after the mask fell off. And further: “I think it’s 100 degrees in this costume and it smells like an old sneaker and the soup was running down my face – but it was incredibly fun.” The cuddly dog ??had previously performed “Crush” by Jennifer Paige (50) and a Bollywood version of Ed Sheeran’s (33) “Shape Of You” with two oversized huskies.

The Flip Flop doubled last week – so here are two celebrities on stage: Flip and Flop. Together they sang “Beggin,” which Maneskin brought back into the charts in 2017. The new tips included a golden hen and a smiley face. Palina stuck to her guess, the Lochmann brothers (25). Geppert didn’t believe in the twin theory. “I see two little, cheeky boys who are friends,” she said and guessed Nico Santos (31) and Álvaro Soler (33).

The flea was solo in his first performance on Saturday – without Schnecki, who he had always ridden before. He dedicated the song “That’s What Friends Are For” to his better, lower half. The flea performed Abba in a hard rock version as the second song. The new clues: Palma Cathedral, a school blackboard and a ruler. Kavanian thought of Esther Schweins (54), Geppert even dared to hope for Katja Riemann (60). And Rojinski stuck with her guess from last week, Mirja Boes (52), because of a wild theory that has to do with an appearance as a carrot in Mallorca.

This time, Elgonia’s sign was accompanied by a red-haired wig, Frankfurt sausages and a golden camera. On stage she first performed Madonna’s (65) “Hung Up” including choreography and then “If I Could Turn Back Time” by Cher (77) as a ballad. The suspicion of a No Angels or Monrose member under the mask hardened again due to the vocal power of the messenger of spring. Only Kavanian continues to advocate for Juliette Schoppmann (44).

The crocodile didn’t exactly provide any clarity with its new clues, including a double crocodile. “I’m completely confused by the evidence,” Rojinski said. The reptile performed “Wild Boys” by Duran Duran with dancers and pom poms. Geppert oscillated between admiration and fear during the appearance and even threw the name Thomas Gottschalk (73) into the ring. Rojinski immediately contradicted: “Thomas can’t move so agilely.” With Nino de Angelo (60), Kavanian brought a completely new person into the group.

The mystery was there again in the fourth show. On stage, the changing mask, under which a new celebrity is hidden every week, performed Beyoncé’s (42) “Texas Hold ‘Em” with a confident voice and a lot of hip swing. Kavanian joked: “For me the case is clear: Wincent Weiss.” Rojinski guessed Vanessa Mai (31), who was also the number 1 tip from those watching – and correctly.