She was part of a group, there was almost a phenomenon.

And Conny Hamann-Boeriths also remember back in time with ‘The Iron Ladies’ with big smiles.

“It was a great time with a lot of lovely girls. It is them, I remember back in the. It was the unity that was absolutely amazing, and spicy, and we won a lot of matches and was a big success, of course, was also fantastic.”

How to tell the former landsholdsstjerne to B. T. by the end of the WORLD cup finals, which will take place from the end of november. At the same time, it is also 25 years ago, she together with the national team won the european championship gold in Germany, and precisely what is her best memory.

“Purely selfish is the EM, in which I also was allowed to be an important part of the team purely spillemæssigt. We won the gold in Berlin. There was so much drama, Anja got the red card, we stood together, and then knocking the germans out of the track. It was stormed by all the danes, who were down there,” remembers Conny Hamann-Boeriths.

the fact that you get to be fought she for the. The year before, at the WORLD championships in 1993, she had to see the majority of the finals from the sidelines. An experience, she does not recall with delight, and at the same time, it was in a period where there was really got attention around the national team.

“I was just filmed unbelievably much. I was always over, and it was so sweet, I sat there and clapped and cheered on the other. And in fact, it was mega hard to be as sweet Conny, who, together with Anne Dorthe (Tanderup, red.) sat and was opbakkende, for you are a part of the team,” says Conny Hamann-Boeriths.

She had taken time off from work to be with, and when she returned to the nursery, it was with a silver medal around the neck. A medal, she was acclaimed for, and it made her embarrassed. For Conny Hamann-Boeriths felt not, she had been a part of it, and therefore she took the decision to seize the phone and dial the Ulrik Wilbeks number.

“There I was in a pure personlighedskrise. I called also to Ulrik and said that it did not. We had known each other for many years. I did not have the role anymore. I began to get homesick, when I was of the place, and it is, of course, because you are not comfortable. It had nothing with Ulrik and the girls to do, but I didn’t, Neyine and that was it, I was there for,” says Conny Hamann-Boeriths, which in the past have told about the situation.

In the fight-the moment it filled not much. It was a part of the gamete, and presseopbuddet grew larger and larger.

“It went so extremely fast. It was also a little flattering, that there was someone who bothered filming a. When you closed the doors, and would not be known for it. You would be known for the one that gives the gas on the track. When you were out there, it was just like that, but afterwards you could sit and be upset about it,” explains Conny Hamann-Boeriths.

the Conversation, she took with Ulrik Wilbek, changed things, he would also like to have her. They should just find the right role for her. Therefore she was presented as a kind of new player, who got a jokerrolle. Suddenly she was with, and it paid off to ask national coach of the ultimatum, although it was not exactly easy.

“With Ulrik you always get the honest answer. I have also always been very honest. I was dissatisfied, I said it. For him it was not a surprise. We were quickly agreed. Ulrik was not always the easiest – I have the deepest respect for him – but he had so much passion, so you could well be a bit afraid of him. But when you had him one-on-one, he was really nice to talk with,” says Conny Hamann-Boeriths, which got the game back on a team that was – and actually still is – a cult.

The iron ladies know the many, and the recipe was really simple. Ulrik Wilbek in the forefront set the stage for the players, who had great respect for and acceptance of each other.

There was an understanding that the agree injury gave the second chance. It was not personal. They also had ‘the world’s best Anja, who riveted the nation, and so there was unity.

“I could, in fact, like all. When we were on the field or for training, we could give each other blue eyes. That was passed to it. But it knew you were going to, for that one was the best. Who was Ulrik also extremely sharp at setting things up, so we knew what direction we should go,” says Conny Hamann-Boeriths.