Norwegian police are investigating the death of a mother for the murder and attempted murder, after she and three children were found lifeless in the sea.

Norwegian police are investigating a case about a dead mother, who was found lifeless with her three children into the sea at Tromsø, which is the killing and attempted murder.

the Mother, who was in the 20’s, and one child died late Monday, while the two children are hospitalized in Oslo.

One the air ambulance with the two surviving girls, who are in critical condition, landed Tuesday morning at the Gardermoen airport in Oslo, a little before the bell 6.00.

The three children are all girls under ten years of age. The dead girl is born in 2012, while the other two are born in 2015 and 2018.

this was stated by The spokesperson for the police in Tromsø at a news conference Tuesday.

yesterday was a undersøgelsessag, is now a criminal case. We investigate the dead mother of murder and attempted murder, said prosecutor Gøril Lund, Troms politidistrikt at a press conference Tuesday morning.

the Children’s father has made statements to the police.

the Family originally came from Sudan.

Politistationschef Anita Hermandsen and charges Gøril Lund, Troms politidistrikt would at a news conference on Tuesday did not comment on the damage that was on the three children.

The Norwegian police got 17.28 on Monday night an emergency call from a passer-by, who had observed a pram, and which could see the footprints down to the water. In the shallows were several objects – among other boots.

When police arrived to the area Fagereng in Tromsø, found the four lifeless persons in the sea, and was given life-saving first aid on the spot. Then they were found transported to a hospital.

It is not indicated how long the woman and the girls had been in the water.

After the found led the aerial search including divers and a helicopter in a period after the additional persons in the water.

Police have launched a major investigation of the case, and it has asked the municipality of Tromsø to set up a krisehold.
