Denmark fetched five medals at the short course-EM, and it satisfies both Denmark’s national coach and the team he will play.

The Danish swimmers could Sunday be shut down for short course-the european championships in Glasgow and travel home with five bronze medals.

It was the Danish yield in Scotland, and it is satisfactory according to the national coach at Dansk Svømmeunion, Stefan Hansen.

– As a small svømmenation we should be proud of the five medals at a championship. Highlighted is our holdkap in the 4 x 50 metres medley, where all clapped for us.

– it Had made it other times during the week, we had had two medals more, ” says Stefan Hansen in a press release from the Dansk Svømmeunion.

the national coach is well aware that there must be improvements, if the Danish swimmers must make themselves at the biggest championships on the langbane.

– Now we need to go home and work on some technical skills such as the details around the turns, underwater swimming and svømmernes speed. We get the raised level, in the details, then we come also to perform well on the langbane, which is our next target, says the national coach.

The five bronze medals were supplemented by four nordic records and eight Danish records in Glasgow, where the Danish swimmers of all delivered 11 finaleplader and 22 semi-finals.

The Danish team consisted of short course-EM both established names as well as of several young swimmers who were chasing experience with a championship.

According to Lars Green Bach, who is the team he will play in Dansk Svømmeunion, so has the championship been satisfactory seen with Danish eyes.

– The more established svømmeprofiler have been in some very, very close matches on podieplaceringerne.

– Swimmers with less international routine has lifted their level in the semi-final and finalesammenhæng, and there has been a steady flow of bests, nordic, Danish, and personal, ” says Lars Green Bach in a press release.
