“Hello, mr. prime minister. I would just like to ask you: How important is it for one in your position of power to always say the truth?”

the Issue from May Rooks immediately had the audience to break out in laughter.

It was certainly not quiet, when the BBC Friday night blanked up to the manifesto ‘Question Time Leaders’s Special’, where both prime minister Boris Johnson and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn attended.

in Fact, recalled the atmosphere in the tv studio more about something, one knows festive occasions are experiencing in the uk parliament.

150 critical and inquiring audiences from Sheffield, was, according to the Daily Mail invited to ask probing questions to the two leaders, each was in the crossfire of a half an hour.

According to the BBC, there was an equal distribution of conservative and Labour supporters, just as they had also tried to balance the allocation between the EU-critics and the so-called the remainers.

Yet the audience was particularly hostile toward prime minister Boris Johnson, who several times was exposed to both the heckling, laughter, and hostile questions.

Since May Rooks asked his seemingly neutral and harmless question, was the tone not to be mistaken. And the audience responded by laughing and clapping.

When the BBC later showed an excerpt from the debate, it was most of the audience’s reaction, however, the clip from, so it seemed as if Johnson instantly replied:

“I believe that it is absolutely vital, and I believe Makrobet that trust is a key issue in this election and fundamentally for the erodering of confidence in politics, as you see in the moment.”

the Editing of the program received fierce criticism on social media, and the illustrious british tv station had Monday to go out and apologize in the process.

In a statement says a spokesman for the station, according to The Mirror:

“This clip from the BBC’s Question Time special, which was shown in its entirety in the news at ten on Friday evening and on other occasions, was the card of the time constraints in Saturday’s lunch-overview, therefore, was a statement by Boris Johnson reiterated the clip away.”

the Spokesman adds, however:

“When we did it, bortredigerede we also laugh from the audience. Although there definitely was not any intention to mislead, so accept that we can be suspected of it, since it is not reflected the full response to Boris Johnson’s response.”

the Incident comes a few weeks after the BBC had to apologize for a second case. In connection with the mærkedagen of the First World war termination a selected tv station to use stock photography from Rememberance Day, instead of displaying the actual images, in which the prime minister held a flower wreath on the head.