Shortly before the public holiday is an area in Texas in the UNITED states has been evacuated after a fire at a kemikalieanlæg.

12 hours after multiple explosions at a plant in the city of Port Neches in the eastern part of the state of Texas in the UNITED states, the authorities have evacuated the 60,000 inhabitants who live within a six kilometre radius of the plant.

the Plant works with chemicals, which will be extended from crude oil, and has been on fire since the explosion. The evacuation comes just before the american feast of thanksgiving.

Three people were injured during the first explosion. Since then there has been yet another explosion, while firefighters worked to tame the flames.

It was in the first place the authorities to evacuate everyone within a radius of 800 metres from the plant. Ago was the evacuation zone expanded to 6.4 kilometers.

If the zone grows by a further few kilometres, it also includes residents of the larger city of Beaumont, which has Betnano over 100,000 inhabitants.

the Plant, owned by TPC Group, is almost out to The Gulf of Mexico in the small town of Port Neches near delstatsgrænsen to Louisiana.

Peyton Keith, who is the spokesperson for the TPC Group, informs that the firemen decided to let the fire burn out and concentrate on, that the flames do not spread.

– We can’t say anything about the cause of the incident or extent of damage, inform the TPC Group.

the Plant employs 175 employees and 50 contract workers.

It is the fourth major fire in Texas this year at a plant, working with the chemicals from petroleum – petrochemicals.

In march, a chemical plant outside of Houston in a fire for days, and the month after an employee killed and another injured at a plant near Houston.

In July came the 37 people injured in a fire at a chemical plant in Baytown, Texas, of Exxon Mobil Corp.
