
  • Federal constitutional court decided: The care of money is unconstitutional.
  • Was the support money of 150 Euro per month stove premium or fair recognition of education performance?
  • FOCUS-Online-User say: “parents also need to enter times shorter” and “care of money is a true blessing.”

meanwhile, 150 euros per month and the state of parents and their small children in a state-supported care facility a supported. For nearly two years, the care exists of money. After the Federal constitutional court in Karlsruhe has now overturned the care of money, have parents on the occasion of the “stove premium” frowned upon is the power to discuss.

We FOCUS asked Online User before making the decision: What do you think the support money?

FOCUS-Online-User Thomas K. is indignant: “The 150 Euro reimbursement of expenses are a joke for the performance of the parents and it is shameful that parents would take the support of money to not have to work.”

The Munich-based user Nicole B. admits that she is an opponent of the care money. Your statement: “first of all, this is only a drop in the ocean, because if a mom does not have to work, the family has usually already enough money, on the other hand I think it is unfair to the mothers who have to work because the family can’t pay the high rent.”

away with the funding money, also calls Stefan B.. He finds it has become fashionable to earn twice the salary, and “children’s education can be left to grandma and grandpa”. Why it is needed for the education money from the state, he doesn’t understand. “Then you must, as parents, may be shorter.”

care of money as a welcome support to

most parents, however, care to see money as a welcome support. A “well educated family” with three children from North Rhine-Westphalia, wrote: “For our third child, we have applied the stove bonus. We do not take as an incentive to leave the child at home, but as a free monthly support for our third child.“

The first child was nine years old, the second child of six years old. Both school children and very well in their classes. Of under-development, lack of social skills or the Like, no trace was with you. “My wife has decided in the case of all three children for three years parents time, and we did not regret it.” With these names, your child will be successful! Our PDF guide shows you the most popular children’s names and how they are the future of your child can shape. Also: How children are allowed.To the PDF guide

“Why parents are the first three years at home for your child there should be no education get money?”, also Userin Karin R. asks Finally, you save the state more expensive daycare. “Or the family is only a game field of the state, where each party makes their view of the world of family tax lucrative?”

because Of gender stereotypes

Userin Nina B., mother of a ten-month-old daughter, feels neither in “the Oh-so-role stereotype despised pushed”, not to support your child at home. For those who opt for motherhood, decides for a life with the child. She adds: “And this has nothing to do with the cricket on the hearth.” Your desire to be a Professional teacher pause easy. In addition, the Job of the mother is “at least as strenuous as any other, with the exception that he is without a work and holiday”.

As Lisa P. enjoy your parents ‘ time, and that she sees her two boys (three years and three months old) to grow up. You can find: “The care of money is a real blessing.”

Because you are like very many of the families belonged to the middle class in this society, but had to be saved with children everywhere and, of all things, “Can afford to be a child, or even two?” Since the care to help of money but a lot and it is a pleasure for you, “that it is recognized to take care of his children”.

Every third small child is external FOCUS Online/Wochit care of Every third small child is cared for keko