It is difficult to live in harmony with nature for the citizens of the Swedish city of Aspenäs.

A several hundred kilo heavy moose create fear in the otherwise quiet residential area.

so far the moose with her two calves killed two dogs and on Saturday also sent a man to the hospital after an attack.

the Police have in the wake of the violent attacks, decided that the elk should be shot, writes Expressen.

Elgfamilien have lived in the city since October, where they have moved around in the gardens, driveways and on the streets.

And it is a very unusual behavior, believe a local hunter, who has observed elgfamilien in villaområdet.

For the Swedish city of Lerum Municipality often find moose in the fall, but always only for short periods of time. This elgfamilie have held close for more than a month. And with fatal consequences. On the night of Saturday, even a collision with the elk.

A man was out and walk his dog, as the moose Vegabet supposedly appeared behind them. The kicked dog, who died, and left the man so severely wounded, that he was in the hospital with the ambulance. However, it is not the first time that the aggressive moose has taken a dog’s life.

In the fall, another dog killed, and in early november sent the 37-year-old Elin Hellgren on the run. She reached just in the safety of the house with his dogs.

As a consequence of the recent weeks of problems and serious collisions, the police have in Lerum made a decision. The elk should be shot.

“I have decided that the elk should be shot, because there have been too many incidents. But it is quite difficult, since it is dangerous to shoot between the houses and the people. It should be perfectly safe for them to do it,” he says.

the Decision to shoot the elk will last a week. You will continuously keep an eye on, whether elgfamilien moves further from the city or not.