Dedication and professionalism has paved the way for Frederik Løchte as upcoming Danish Davis Cup-captain.

After a little more than ten years as captain of the Denmark Davis Cup team will be Kenneth Carlsen replaced in the post of the still-active Frederik Løchte Nielsen, when tennislandsholdet the next time to be in action in the new year.

In the Danish Tennis Federation looking Løchte as the right to redeem the team’s potential in the coming years.

He goes on all the head and the edges into it 100% both with his own tennis, and when he assumes other roles. He is dedicated and professional and therefore we see him as the right man for the job and to lead the team going forward.

He is still out on tour and out of touch with what is going on, and is completely up to date, says director Emil Bødker.

the Shift in the kaptajnsposten should also be viewed in light of the fact that Denmark has several young players on the way forward. Not least, the comet Holger Rune, who last year won the juniorernes the French Open and sæsonfinale.

– We are in a generational change, and the way it fits very nicely into, ” says Emil Bødker.

In Tuesday’s press release from the associated says Kenneth Carlsen, that he believes that there is potential to bring the Davis Cup team right up at the top of the world elite, and that he had looked forward very much to this journey.

It gives the impression that Carlsen is not itself wanted to quit as captain.

the Federation’s director does not want to go any further into the circumstances of the shift.

– I have not so violently many comments in addition to those in the press release. It means that we believe that the time is right for change.

– It can put in what you want. However, we believe that Frederick is the right man, ” says Emil Bødker.

Ritzau has unsuccessfully tried to get a comment from Kenneth Carlsen.

the Danish tennislandshold must the next time in action against Puerto Rico 6. and 7. march in 2020.
