Inspectors Dorn (Nora Tschirner) and Lessing (Christian Ulmen) are looking forward to a day off without children and work. But first the French au pair turns out to be a failure and then there is also a corpse. The factory owner’s wife Marlies Schrey (Nina Petri) lies dead in the grain field, there is no trace of her husband Gerd (Jörg Schüttauf). Shortly thereafter, the kidnappers get in touch and demand a ransom of two million euros. What makes Dorn and Lessing suspicious: before their disappearance, the Schreys took out an insurance policy that would apply in the event of a kidnapping. And what role does the son Maik (Julius Nitschkoff) play, who couldn’t stand his stepmother Marlies and was supposed to inherit the ailing company?
Klamauk and thriller – if you don’t think that’s a contradiction in terms, you’ll get your money’s worth here. Dorn and Lessing joke again through work and everyday life. There are also goofy criminals, a group of blind people as witnesses to a murder and a meat tenderizer as a murder weapon. For everyone else, there’s idyllic scenery and a showdown at the abandoned Sophienheilstätte Hospital, also known as Bad Berka’s Scary Clinic.
Dorn and Lessing are the East counterpart to Thiel and Boerne in Münster: be funny at any price. The gag fireworks of the Weimar commissioners sometimes seem exaggerated. A normal dialogue never comes about. That may work with Ulmen’s comedy series “Jerks”, but it’s exhausting for 90 minutes. So far, the author duo Murmel Clausen and Andreas Pfluger have been responsible for the “crime scenes” from Weimar. Clausen wrote the screenplay for “The Last Schrey” for the first time alone.
Nobody actually wants to work in the episode: Dorn and Lessing have a day off and their boss Kurt Stich is planning a holiday in Ibiza with patrolman Lupo. But nothing will come of all this. In the end, Lessing was only able to bathe in the cesspool and the trip to the Balearic Islands was cancelled.
Great fun for fans of Nora Tschirner and Christian Ulmen, everyone else skips the TV.
The “Tatort” episode “The Last Schrey” was first broadcast on June 1, 2020. ARD repeats the case on Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:50 p.m.
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