Iraq’s defense minister has arrived in the Swedish authorities ‘ attention. He is examined by the public prosecutor’s office.

The Swedish prosecutor’s office has initiated a feasibility study of Iraq’s defense minister, Najah al-Shammari, for crimes against humanity.

the Feasibility study is “in a very early stage”, informs the public prosecutor.

Sweden’s special police unit against international and organised crime are working to find out how to go ahead with the study, adds, to the prosecution.

Shammari has even stated that he has been a general in the Iraqi army under former president Saddam Hussein, writes culture guide Expressen.

this weekend, several Swedish media wrote that the iraqi minister of defence is a Swedish citizen. He is supposedly listed in the Swedish civil register of an address in a suburb of Stockholm. Piabet

The iraqi minister of defense is also in the spotlight because of accusations that he inappropriately received child support and housing allowances in Sweden.

Together with a related person must Shammari have got these benefits, despite the fact that he has not lived in Sweden for years, writes Expressen.

the declaration of the iraqi minister must be made two weeks ago.

He applied for a Swedish residence permit in 2009 and got it in 2011. It is unclear on what basis he was given asylum. Four years later, he became a Swedish citizen.

Shammari, who rejects the accusations, which in recent days has come to light in the Swedish media, has been Iraq’s minister of defense since June.
