children are especially prone to sunburn and need to protect your skin, therefore, even better than adults. It is best, therefore, if children wear protective clothing. But without a sun cream it is then.

Stiftung Warentest has taken 17 creams, lotions, and Sprays for sun protection in children under the microscope. The quite surprising result: Of the 17 products tested, cut 16 very good or good, cost little, and protect children reliably against UV-radiation. the Four sun protection creams or lotions cut very well and are comparatively cheap .

sun protection for children: This four sun creams are very good,

The four best products are according to Foundation product test all “very good” and cheap at the discounters to get to Lidl or Aldi, as well as Müller and Rossmann.

  • Cien Sun Kids sun cream from Lidl (1,4)
  • sun protection factor according to the provider, 50+


  • Lavozon Kids Med sun milk by Müller (1,4)
  • sun protection factor according to the provider, 50+


  • Ombra sun spray Easy Protect Kids from Aldi (1,5)
  • sun protection factor according to the provider 30


  • Sunozon Kids sun spray from Rossmann (1,5)
  • sun protection factor according to the provider 50


kids sun cream: natural cosmetics, all other products tested to protect falls in the Test

according to the Foundation’s test were mostly good against UV rays. So sections of the 17 sun creams, Sprays and lotions are 15 products with an overall grade better than 2.0 from. A product failed the Test completely. The sun cream “Baby and Kids Neutral sun cream” Eco Cosmetics, the experts assessed with a overall grade of 5.0 (unsatisfactory) . The Baby and Kids sun cream by Eco Cosmetics, is very expensive and protects “inadequate prior to the longer wavelength UVA rays,” says Stiftung Warentest.

The experts from Stiftung Warentest tested the sun protection products for children, especially on the Respect of the promised UV protection, moisture enrichment, the application, as well as labeling and packaging.

how to protect babies and children from UV radiation and sunburn

  • The particularly sensitive skin of children according to experts, at least sun protection factor 30. Adults, the Federal office for radiation protection (BfS) recommends an SPF of at least 20.
  • Stiftung Warentest also recommends, to protect small children with a head covering such as hat or cap.
  • In addition, parents should also cover part of the neck in children well – for example, with a neck cloth or Neck.

Good sun protection is for children as well as adults is important. Especially in the spring, the risk for the skin after the winter months. Still mineral water in the Test: brand products by the fall – good water it is 25 cents FOCUS Online/Wochit Still mineral water in the Test: brand products – good water it is 25 cents

skin cancer common form of cancer is

Many people still go too lightly with the subject, expose themselves frequently to the sun, says Martin Bornhäuser, Director of the National center for tumor diseases in Dresden. This skin is one cancer nationwide, one of the most common cancers – according to the figures, approximately 272,000 fall ill each year – more than 37,000 in the so-called black skin cancer.

the University medical center Rostock, has called for an effective sun protection, especially for children. “Who refuels at a young age to a lot of sun, it can get aged faster skin cancer,” said the Director of the skin clinic of the University medical center Rostock, Steffen Emmert, in Rostock, Germany.

Therefore, educators should make sure that the children are not exposed to the midday sun. In addition, you should regularly wear sunscreen with a sun protection and a hat or cap to wear. After each Bath, apply Lotion duty. Background the nationwide action of “Euro melanoma kindergarten action 2020”, the Unimedizin is involved. Also the cancer society MV supports the skin cancer action in kindergartens and day-care centres for the sun protection of their wards. Children’s car seats in the Check: Good quality for under 100 Euro FOCUS Online/Wochit children’s car seats in the Check: Good quality for under 100 Euro

Until the weekend! The severe weather are being exacerbated, in the Thunderstorm on the most violent PCP Until the weekend! The severe weather are being exacerbated, in the Thunderstorm on the most violent

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