the preparations for the tests were harder for me than in any of the semesters before that. Also, of course, because of the summer temperatures, but especially because the tests should take place. Since you can only check in a very complicated way, whether someone is using illegal tools, simply approved all of them. It was, therefore, so-called “Open Book”exams. This sounds great. I was happy about that. But after my thoughts came more than once in the “Super, then I save me a lot of Learning”-in the direction of are inclined to doubt.

Not only have I asked myself during the learning process, whether it makes us just a gift. Or us in testing a lesson is missed, because we would appreciate the difficulty, solid. This is what my friends had no answer. The a were to “Memorising”, the other form of the “I’ve got my notes”group. Really, you couldn’t help each other, We sat in contrast to the previous semesters in the University library and learned together, but every man for himself at home. No one felt this week as part of the testing phase.

And then came the first exam… and the was easy?!

With mixed feelings, I had to go on Willy-nilly to the first test. Without makeup, in sweatpants, I sat in front of the Laptop. It came to me rather as if I would answer just an online quiz that tells me what type of Bread best fits to me. Admittedly, I was not prepared, so I clicked me like that Quiz too easy to feel through.

And, of course, be diligent in my documentation read. I’m afraid that I also belong more to the “I’ve got my notes”group. Now the big Surprise comes: the test occurred to me, despite my lack of knowledge easily. Really easy.

With the Knowledge that you are not Shot, the a photographic memory, that allows for me to only one conclusion: the audit has been made easy. You wanted us to meet. Here I introduced me for the first Time, the question is: Is it fair?

question two was missing and I was complete.

But I don’t want to allow me to directly after the first exam a judgment, but also the second wait At the time of the shock: an error message in the online form came directly. Question two was missing and I was completely overwhelmed. What you should do in a Situation like this? My fellow students, I was not allowed to contact, that is considered to be under grinding. Just as despair threatened to be too large, came an E-Mail from the lecturer: the bug has been fixed. I was finally able to concentrate fully.

to be honest, I had forgotten the error message almost after I had given the exam. But then I received another message from my lecturers. In it, he apologized again for the mistake and lock the task two of the evaluation, which of course is very generous.

However, the question struck me once again, whether or not it would be as if the test would be online. Would approach a lecturer, under normal circumstances, and without previous complaints of the students as well?

a preference due to Corona Is that really fair?

I doubt that students from previous semesters had it so easy and at the same time so difficult, as we have just. So easily because I win more and more the impression, that you touch us all with kid gloves to avoid discomfort and to achieve the best possible results.

And so hard, because the Situation is more than extraordinary. Online teaching, Online exams, and the constant uncertainty about the future that plagues many students. Despite these additional difficulties, the feeling to have accomplished something after I submitted the test I was missing.

I felt Proud, because I had solved some tricky tasks, yet relief that it was over. It was like an Online Quiz about bread: From the Moment the levy is actually irrelevant.

for me, That has two consequences: first of all, I really don’t know whether my knowledge is really as large as suggested in the good examination results. If I’m going to face in the coming Semester, with a normal expectation level, could I and my fellow students suddenly come to its knees.

Secondly, I see an imbalance to the students who have passed these examinations in the semesters in front of me. You may like or have a bad cut, because there is nothing to given to had been. This is now happening to my benefit, but to be fair, I can’t find the still.

of Course, it is nonsense to demand that the tests should take place in presence, because Social Distancing is and will remain a top priority. But I had wanted to of the tests, in addition to the adrenaline after the delivery, something normal. Back I’ll stay but only really with the feeling to have something paid to get what had to work a lot in front of me hard.

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