In recent years, Germans have noticed an increasing burden in everyday life, but are divided on the question of whether they would like to make it easier with technical aids or not. Around half of those surveyed expressly want such technical support. What else the study commissioned by Forsa by the smart home device manufacturer Ring reveals on this topic.

Almost two thirds of Germans (64 percent) have noticed an increase in daily tasks in recent years. In particular, those under 35 (78 percent) and households with children (77 percent) are feeling increasing stress. In addition, women (68 percent) are more likely to feel like they have increased everyday tasks than men (61 percent). This stress increases for 39 percent of those surveyed during the run-up to Christmas.

In order to reduce the general burden, some people use technical means to make their everyday lives easier. For example, you can check the status of your home while on the go or have automated notifications sent when family members have arrived there. With the right technical tools, you can now also take care of feeding your pets or watering your plants from home while you’re on the move.

49 percent of those surveyed in the representative survey are generally open to this type of technical support, with three groups standing out as being particularly interested: people under 35 (65 percent), men (55 percent) and parents (54 percent) are interested in the use of technical aids open to. The ability to check the status of your home from anywhere is particularly popular (52 percent). Almost as many (48 percent) expect the use of such devices to provide concrete help in everyday life.

Almost half (48 percent) of the survey participants consider the use of video cameras on the doorbell or on the property to be suitable for reducing everyday worries. 37 percent of those surveyed are interested in smart home solutions that cover the entire home, from cameras to controlling the blinds or heating to watering the plants.

A study published by the digital association Bitkom at the end of August also suggests that the trend towards the use of smart home devices is continuing to increase: In the survey, which is also representative, 44 percent of those surveyed stated that they were already using at least one smart home application, in 2019 still 31 percent. 36 percent of the study participants named controlling the light as the most popular gadget.